Looking to Find Community

Hello! I’m new to the server, and to EU in general. I’ve gotten a main up and running, in a nice set of LFR gear, and I’m really looking to start getting plugged into a guild and the server community more general. Ideally I’d love to find a guild that does both RP events and regular raid nights (normal &/or heroic). Alternatively, I’d be happy to join a PuG community if I can’t find a good guild.

May I please have your tips on where to look for these things? I’m Alliance-side at the moment.

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Can recommend this guys if you are looking to start rping, we even have raiders with us.

Dirge of Teldrassil might be your speed for RP. They’re also part of a larger community that is running raids twice a week currently.

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You could also join various community disc’s theres several active hubs right now, campaigns in the making ect, so if you dont find a specific guild for rp thats up your alley, can always join a raid guild n then dip your toes in rp via various disc’s/hubs/groups until something really clicks for you

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