I have to disagree….this weekend was packed I ran rfc twice and wc once. Love it
So people can’t enjoy the game for what it is and if they do they are fanboys?
I honestly don’t understand the mindset of some people these days where unless we see things on the same spectrum as you we are fanboys or whatever you want to call us.
It’s so sad honestly.
For someone that seems to dislike Era especially on the PvP side you seem awfully invested in your lvl 60 char over there.
Are you sure you were correctly logged on the Firemaw or Pyrewood Village clusters? Maybe you did not choose the realm correctly mate.
Elwynn and the Barrens both have perma 50+ people roaming around these days, at least on FIremaw, and from what I have seen you also have high numbers on Pyrewood.
Maybe its also the time of the day. Although I am 100% certain it cannot be Firemaw.
My guess is he is levelling on Firemaw or Pyrewood on the WotLK servers, thinking that’s Classic. The low level zones are dead there.
Okay its done poeple used other channel that im not using like world or lookingforgroup pb solved
There you go! Good to hear
No but people who claim something that simply isnt on the basis they they really really wish it to be are deluded or fanbois. In Bananoid’s case somewhat selfish as he is hell-bent on keeping ERA pop up even if it means flat-out lying to new players on their expectation of pvp in this game. He doesnt care if you grind up the next 2 months, expecting a lively and fun BG scene and then get crushed by the realities of naxx-phase WSG
As for me being overly invested; i play here and there with a whole zoo of chars, consigned to the fact that BGs are what they are. I dont rank anymore and i log off after getting crushed too often before it gets on my nerves. It is true you win occasionally if you get a superstar Flag Carrier that is prepared to burn 30g of mats per game but again, it never feels like a team accomplishment anymore
This is to warn new players who - following Bananoids - advice think they should join and will have fun in BGs. When he says he “has an impact” on his blue geared Alli mage, that is simply not true. The fact he can cast his 2 sheeps and 1 frostnova before dying is due to the virtue of beign a mage. Try blue geared with any other class and you will feel even more useless
I get people wanting fresh servers or even a new SoM, i wonder how long those 2 would last honestly.
Unless I’m wrong SoM servers have been quite empty for a long long time and the servers only go offline this month, i think that what’s left of players on SoM it’s because the level up is faster i guess?
As for fresh servers, i don’t know man, people always have this hunger for fresh, there’s a couple of fresh realms in Wrath, 1 of them had like 8 people online last week.
I’m going to play Era for what it represents to me, as a new player that’s going through it for the first time and experience as it was in 2004 or at least close to that and yes i intend to do PvP, getting crushed, sometimes i will be lucky but i will ride that train towards the sunset.
Good for you. I enjoy Era too.
But to be honest the must fun in Classic I had from the release 2019 till maybe beginning 2020. The first few months of a server are magical.
SoM was seasonal server to begin with and during peak of TBC I understand it never had such an appeal as a stable slow progressed server
I think we will see the fate of SoM when it fully closes & the months following.
I understand that the first months of a fresh server are magic, i don’t dispute that, but then what? What happens when the magic dries out? The server will be left to die because the people that didn’t want to stay there to go all over everything once again will have to transfer out or they just return to their Era characters if they have them?
I do respect people wanting to start from scratch or just a clean slate but it seems to happen a lot and not just in WoW, everything is magical at the beginning but later on it seems that the void takes over.
Yes, I agree with this and it’s why I think ERA is perfect as it is.
A fresh server is fantastic… for the first say max 6 months, you do MC…then the people think the “magic” is over drop it.
Era gives people a chance who want enjoy the world in a more permanent way, without stressing that after a year all my progress, gold, etc will be wiped.
I will say this.
Again, i don’t mind if fresh servers come to be or even a new SoM and witnessing all the traction that Era is having, even if some seem invested to say that it’s dead, i wouldn’t be surprised to see both fresh Era and a new SoM happening, that’s Blizzard’s decision not mine.
All i will say is that if the fresh and the new Era die out pretty quickly i hope that people don’t complain and say that it is Blizzard’s fault if that happens as they did regarding the fresh servers in Wrath.
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