Looking to possibly rebuild former guild

Good day to all who read this,

I am potentially looking to revive my former raid guild as I have struggled to find something that I feel comfortable in.

The guild was initially formed start of Legion and gained AotC every tier until mid BFA, when unfortunately a large amount of the population moved away from the game. We took a small break and reformed start of SL, where we once again hit AotC. Season 1 in DF was where we gained our quickest Heroic clear and as such, many raiders wanted to move up to mythic. We tried to recruit but it was pretty tough to compete amongst experienced and established guilds until ultimately, we were poached and had to pause the guild.

I am working on this alone as I don’t expect old members to up and leave current guilds, so as the original creator and GM I feel it’s my responsibility solely. What I would like is some experienced players who follow the below description to help form a leadership team.

  • Retain Friday/Sunday evening raids
  • Allow players of all experience to join
  • Aim for AotC each tier
  • Stick to a calm progression, meaning no rushing or elitism
  • Build a strong social aspect, focus on building up newer players

There is so many more details I could add but I would much prefer to see if this is even possible. Leave a note or discord/bnet information and I will reach out.

I see you struggled to find what you’re looking for in guilds but maybe give our recruitment post a go? It seems like you’re looking to establish a guild with an atmosphere akin to ours.


Id be interested in having a chat with you about this

Alti#2542 bnet
Disc alti2879

If you want people to play with, while you rebuild your guild, hit me up :smiley:

I just went through what you’re going through, and rebuilding is hard on your own