Looking to return to RP...AS A FORSAKEN! Any suggestions?

It’s been a good while since last I RP’d in WoW…or really played WoW in general. I’m looking to get back into RP, but I’m not sure where to really start! Any suggestions on guilds or places to look for RP would be appreciated!


I believe Forsaken have a few choices when it comes to guilds as their race concept is cool!

In terms of guilds that I know off within the PCU community there are two that come to mind

Grim Gest Evil netural guild, they focus on doing evil void stuff and corruption, However they recruit all races part from Lightforged.

The Rotgate Are your standard Forsaken soldiers, they are loyal to the Horde and recruit only Forsaken.

There are of course other Forsaken guilds which I’m less familiar yet, a browse by the fourms and searching them in game + whispers might get your answers quicker.

By all accounts a solid option, too.


Beyond guilds, the Sepulcher in Silverpine is generally pretty active too — I prefer Brill, but its many phases make it a poor choice for casual RP.

Here’s our thread:

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A lot of groups can be found that accept Forsaken in general. As some have pointed out in the thread there are specific themed Forsaken groups.

It really depends how you wish to follow through with your character’s story and motives. A lot has gone with the Forsaken and you could say they’re in the midst of a identity crisis after Sylvannas, the desolate council and the change of Leadership in the Horde as well.

Many routes to follow as well for yourself some can be as simple as;

  • Wanting to prove your character still wants to be with (or against) the Horde.
  • Character wants to just stick to his people. (Circling around your Forsaken guilds)

Some RP takes fold around Orgrimmar as well still. Also there are few roaming groups like the Rotters and Forlorn.

They can be found around Silverpine / Tirisfal sometimes (?) I can’t say for certain.

I will also plug my own group shamelessly, we’re open to recruitment and could do with some more Forsaken folk.

Though it depends entirely what you wish to do! - I can wholly recommend all the guilds linked above as well. Hope you find a place to call home soon!


I would suggest tapping on the shoulders of one in the Forlorn Order, a great group of rotting corpses with good gold purses coughs And good spirit!

Just go and offer your brightest, hopefully intact, smile!


I’ll Third/Fourth suggesting The Forlorn Order, nice bunch of people. :skull_and_crossbones:

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Thanks for the suggestions! Looking at these I think (when I’m not about to go to work) I’ll have a look at the Forlorn Order! Never really been one for Military RP

Rotgarde and Grim Gest are deffo choices I’d recommend, since military isn’t your cup of tea I’d say Grim Gest isn’t your typical military so you might find it interesting

Or not because it seems like the Forlorn Order stopped accepting new members before I got a chance to look into it. Damn.

Sorry to hear that mate, there should be some other guilds around for you though I’m sure. :slight_smile:

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