Looking to trade my Alliance Vol'dun assault pet for a Horde one

As the topic title says. I only have this character to do the Vol’dun assault with, no Horde alt anywhere near 120. So I’m looking for someone to trade my spare Rebuilt Gorilla Bot pet for their Rebuilt Mechanical Spider. I can be contacted on my battle.net tag, Skiosmagus#2801. Thanks in advance!

Hi dude , I dont read this furum regularly ( so i guess responded too late) but I have spare Rebuilt Mechanical Spider so if u still need this pet, let me know here or hit me up on BattleBatko#2712

Also I am looking for people willing to trade away Pair of bee wings, Corlain Falcon, and few more solely ally reputation pets. In return I can offer any of horde exclusive pets (the ones Olly/Nigel doesnt sell after 8.1 release… like
Lil’ ben fon, Tragg the Curious …etc)

Also I’d be happy if someone here wanna adopt my Tanzil and part with his Trecker instead

Thanks for the offer, but I already made the trade. I’ll look at the pets you need in the morning to see if I can help you with anything. Unfortunately I only have one 120 so progress on my pet charms has been slow.

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