Looks like they are nerfing Veng

So now they are going after our only viable class and still not helping Havoc.

Is it getting to a point they just don’t want people playing DH?


VDH will still remain the strongest tank in high keys, just by a smaller margin.

Yes but they are wanna make us the ultimate kiting tank it seems and tbh we are better already at movement speed its interesting that the conduit is changed from 10 secs decrease to Fiery Brand to 10 secs decrease to Fel devestation, i am curious because i dont see it like a nerf tbh

It noticably decreases the time you can facetank, because 10 sec off of Fel Devastation is nothing compared to 10 sec off of Fiery Brand, tbh. While they both have 1min base CD, the fiery brand reduction is more significant due to the Fiery Soul legendary. That’s 10 secs you don’t need to soul cleave away.

The only way the nerfs will matter is if they cause issues with holding aggro. If that happens it just makes a rogue/hunter more mandatory to run with.

DH are not taken for damage or ability to face tank. With damage in line with others if you want to face tank pick a Monk or druid instead they are better suited.

We are taken for mobility and mob control. The meta is kiting if you can so you don’t take damage in the first place. This allows bigger pulls and more damage as healers can chip in.

The other thing that will knock DH down the totem pole would be other tanks getting tanky enough to face tank similar size pulls. This can happen by them scaling with stats, getting buffed or the mobs getting nerfed. IMO this is the thing Vengeance really has to worry about not nerfs to our damage.

Veng will still be good in raid as it brings the 5% buff, While havoc also can bring the buff its another melee spot that can be given to a DK with AMZ or a better suited ranged class.

I don’t understand why this is something we have to ‘worry’ about since it won’t affect our ability to tank the content. Other tanks being able to clear the same content as I can isn’t going to suddenly make me not able to clear it.

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Where did you read the info about the nerf? Can’t seem to find it :confused:

That’s for sure no nerf… That’s a buff

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That’s not the point, or I don’t think it is. It is that dh have two specs to choose from, dps and tank. Since dps already been gutted, that leaves us with tanking to progress in pve content. And now that vdh is being nerfed is more a let down from the devs than the actual nerf.
That’s how i feel about it anyway.

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I’ll have to agree with Doomsli. This, for me, is not necessarily a nerf.

While I can reduce the CD of Fiery Brand - and 10 seconds are only 2 additional Soul Cleaves (considering GCD) - I cannot reduce the CD of Fel Devastation. And Fel Devastation is so much:

  1. It’s a 50% life heal (for me that’s about 30k). With it I tanked Big Elite enemies in the Maw while having 5/5 jailer’s eye debuff with 10 stacks of the healing debuff, because it circumvents healing debuffs. And even after Metamorphosis ends, I have effectively healed myself from 30k to 43/44k. I love having that heal up more often. Also, Fel Devastation itself also provides healing (which is included in the 15k after Meta ends, of course).
  2. It’s an armour increase, which means less physical damage. Yes, I know, Fiery Brand mitigates all damage by 40%, but this is only one bonus of Fel Devastation and 26% of phys. damage mitigated is not nothing. Together with Spikes, I get up to 80% phys. damage mitigation, and phys. dmg is the most damage you’ll receive in m+.
  3. It’s AoE damage. And it’s more AoE damage than a spreading Fiery Brand by far.
  4. For 6 seconds Fracture generates 1 additional lesser soul fragment and 20 additional Fury. That’s not bad at all.

The downside of this change is, that Fiery Brand is going to take 2 more GCDs longer to be active again. I cannot see this as a nerf. Especially since a lot of people already said that we’re (unfortunately, imho) a kiting tank class.


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