Loosening Transmog Restrictions

I wish i could transmog any piece of armor from the same armor type, any, not have some tier sets limited to a class. There are some pieces which are shared but why not make all of them if they are the same armor type.

Are they not loosening that restriction come Shadowlands? I heard something about it, but there is no way I find you a source now. Might’ve as well been rumours.

So BFA is great expansion. If not, then stop playing.

Exactly, if you don’t enjoy a game you’re playing, stop playing it. What’s the use of logging in if you hate it? It sounds like you may have an addiction tbh.
I still enjoy the game so I still play it.

It should be a reality :smiley:

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As a QoL, it WOULD be nice
 while solo’ing, if dropped BoP gear (outside your armor type and weapon restriction) got added to your account-wide Transmog catalogue.

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