Loosening Transmog Restrictions

Hello, good people of WoW everywhere! This is a simple thread, looking to bring attention on a -very- desirable cosmetic feature in the eyes of many, and hopefully get the ball rolling on the subject.

Basically, I think it would add to the uniqueness of our character if we could make a blend of armour types via the transmog system. Let everyone transmog the appearance of every armour type into every slot. Most sets look -very- varied in terms of what armour type they could be classified under, already, so why not?

If I am not mistaken, this was the idea behind the transmog system when it was released in Cata. It was removed because of the impediment to ‘class fantasy,’ right? (I think, not 100% sure on this.) I do not feel that is an issue anymore, especially with the amount of ‘borrowed power’ we’re sporting, of late. Ran a Vision with my rogue friend today, and the way he looked while blasting left and right with Azerite traits and corruptions, I could hardly tell he was a rogue.

So! Yes, basically that. Also, I think it would be great if the transmog stuck to the newly-equipped items, as well. During the leveling process, you change a lot of gear. It kind of “breaks my immersion” to have to teleport back to Stormwind every time I win a new piece of gear for my leveling character.

Anyhow that’s it. Thanks for reading. Would love to hear opinions!


im all for better quality transmogs and more variety but armor restrictions should stay.

borrowed powers have nothing to do with transmog.


Im not really a fan of making all armor available for all classes, I just dont think a tank should be in cloth gear.
However Im all for relaxing restrictions abit. It would be nice if each class had 2 options for transmog, for example a warrior could mog plate and mail or a rogue could mog leather and mail.
Also its time that some of the cosmetic items were moggable. They made a good start with the flower crowns but we need the lovely rose and vile fumigators mask too!

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I think that would be okay, but class pvp/tiersets should stay restricted because of class fantasy.

Lore characters such as Vanessa Vancleef already use cloth mageweave (cindercloth version) pants while being a rogue, so no problem there if players could do the same.


but geez that beard has no chill.


I just want to transmog normal white quality items. The new ones from shadowlands looks very nice.


I wish i could transmog purple holy artifact on my shadow priest. Its most shadowish gear piece around and i cant use it :frowning:

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im voting for making new interesting sets insteads of transmog improvements- blizz got lazy after transmog with quality of armor dropping so low

I’m sure I read on Wowhead that artifact transmog won’t be spec specific in shadowlands which I’m so happy about

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I don’t want warriors running around with cloth robes and staves as their transmog, it’s really confusing and feels out of place.

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Well, at the moment, warriors can do just that, anyways. You can transmog any twohanded weapon into a staff, there’s cloth-like plate pieces (and vice versa), or you could just make most of your gear invisible, and wear nothing but a shirt, and a staff.

Point is, the current state of transmog is such that many, many people look nothing like what their class is “supposed” to look like.

However, I do like the idea mentioned above, of permitting two types of gear per class. For instance, cloth and leather for casters, mail and cloth for rogues and the like, and mail and plate for warriors. Still, I would enjoy if warriors could wear leather pieces, too. Ideally, I’d argue 3 types per class is fitting. Rogues/ druids could do with some mail armour, demon hunters, too. Hunters could benefit from leather and cloth, seeing as how it just makes sense.

Class-specific tier sets should, in my opinion, remain class-specific. I see little point in holy priests donning warlock tier sets, and such.


That argument to me is kind of pointless because most of the time gear in this game doesn’t even resemble what its supposed to be most cloth sets already look like mail or plate.

And also after they introduced the you can hide everything except weapons and pants ther is no real reason at all restricting anything anymore at all anyway.

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Considering im basicly wearing plate boots and gloves and im never taking them off because they look great I agree with more trqnsmog options


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^^ This

I would like a hide pants option though. Seems daft we can hide everything but pants. I don’t want to run around naked but sometimes I just want to hide clunky pants underneath etc.

I’d love to be able to transmog into non mail items since most mail sets look really bad. I love playing Shaman, but mail gear is just horrible.

At least I would vote for allowing all classes to transmog to the armor type that is 1 level “lighter”. So Plate can do mail, mail can do leather and leather can do cloth. Since back in early WoW those classes did not unlock their main armor type until a higher level.

Definitely no. If it was up to me I would completely remove transmog option.

Yet still you use transmog

Because that is the game we are playing. Doesn’t automatically mean I like such game.

Then stop playing it?