Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria

Blizzard… who told you that loot scarcity and low drop rates would be good mechanisms to keep players engaged?

It’s quite frustrating to run multiple M+ Keys a day and not get any loot from it. It’s even more frustrating to know that the next PVP gear upgrade to rank 6 & 7 will be in mid January.
And now you want to implement a 15% drop chance for raid items in general?! So 3 people get some nice epics while 17 people just get some Anima?!

In all seriousness, who told you that this would be a psychologically rewarding mechanism?

When things are hard to get, but it’s based on RNG whether you achieve it / get it or not, it’s seriously frustrating and demoralizing.
But when you’re able to work towards whatever it is you want, no matter how hard it is to get, and you can get closer and closer to your goal and finally reach it, now that’s really psychologically rewarding and will keep players engaged.

We need things like badges back if loot becomes so rare, so that we can at least collect them and buy some loot with the badges. Otherwise the whole gearing process will just take way too long.

Are you serious? So you’re reducing the raid drop which is a once a week thing, while leaving the INFINITELY GRINDABLE mythic+ loot the way it is? Is this a joke?

which would be valid point if you did not INFINITELY GRIND it and get nothing but anima :stuck_out_tongue:

I had 6~7 runs so far, and 2~3 pieces dropping. you got unlucky i guess. It still doesn’t change the fact that the raid also just drops anima and is a once a week thing. Hungering boss would have dropped some really useful pieces. Too bad i already cleared it. so goodluck till next week.

Oh. You want a weapon from mists dungeon? Just run it 50 times. you’ll get it eventually.

And can not get it, actually. Even in BFA u needed sometime 25-40 runs to get trinket… Myth+ only for weekly. Their drop 203 ilvl max what is normal raid, with awful RNG drops. In 2 weeks people even froget about that.

Unbeleivable! im on 6/10 currently and just got a Bloody Anima !!

You removed token on bosses, idk why you guys always taking our fun from the game.

Do you realise we can only kill once these bosses per week ?

who told them ?

players and streamers

non stop for past 5 years they were whining and b…tching about loot not feeling rewarding enough , about TF being evil incanranted and so on .

blame streamers for making game utter garbage.

dont you feel rewarded enough ? dont you feel amazing when getting this piece of loot ? aparently you are playing this game wrong :slight_smile:

you reap what you sow - and i laugh - laugh hard and loud - as i was constantly saying this will be the effect of those changes.

you people shoudl have been honest with blizzard and said - i want to be done with gearing in 3-4 and then chill in game - instead making up things about TF being devil

An incredibly foolish move, once again spearheaded by an incredibly vocal group of elitists…

In Legion i did LFR because of legendaries, titanforging, set bonuses, resonable base ilvl and transmog.

In BFA the ilvl was too low, 1/3rd of the usually amount of transmog, no titanforging or legendaries. And as a result, i hardly even touched the place.

And now it’s cutback even worse reducing the incentive to do high end content even more, because why bother.

How is more quick?

Right now the honor gear is stuck at ilvl 184, that’s M0.

The next upgrade comes with renown 22.

Conquest cap is 550 meaning you can’t even buy an item a week. How is this faster?

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This is going to hurt everyone, not only top guilds. For casual player raid is A LOT of effort, they will not even have incentive to do them anymore. Anyway - who the hell cares about top guilds? Can we win something in WoW? Will I get paid money for reaching max ilvl? No? Then who the hell even cares?

People were complaining that there was TOO MUCH JUNK LOOT. So Blizzard instead to make it more under control in general with augumented probability or some tokens just cut the drop rate and called it a day.

“Hey Joe, divide this modifier by half and we are done with that FEATURE”.

And this bullcrap about “delayed gratification” is hilarious too, becasue many people will have instant grafitication AND extra bonus with GV on top of that while others will stay loot starved to ENJOY FEATURE of “delayed gratification” XD

Wonder if they plans to nerf loot down to Torghast-level and only have gold in end boss. We’re supposed to be able to handle the content naked anyway, right?

this :expressionless:

seems like i cant send a gif ?!!

We also pvp & do dungeons to have fun, it doesn’t mean the loot should be more rare than a freaking unicorn!

To have fun with friends and overcome challenges?

Looks like the fungi wq in Maldraxxus

They see fun they remove all the fun

I mean, I like M+ but rn I’m practically forced to Raid even though I find raiding to be easy and uninteresting.

It is my Guild raiding and guess what people get nothing,after 6 Bosses 0 loot.

M+ is the same rng/maybe it will drop Dev’s lost their compass and dont know what to do,timelock all content,forcing people to stay logged in endless grind.

Farm anima :slight_smile: all day/night

I love it that finally i can get some ‘‘non ninja’’ updates about how is game gonna work. Was annoying to play and than realize, ‘‘hey! my class got some changes!’’

So… You’ve nerfed M+ loots… Now you nerf raid loots to be on par with nerfed M+ loots ? That’s some nice logic!

At this point, why would i even care about getting in a guild, if the average loot is about the same to worse than M+.

I don’t need to be there on a specific schedule for a 2h30 to 4h to do M+.
And i’ll probably end up with mythic gear by getting a piece a week in M+ without touching the raid?

Now PVP had an obvious solution to it’s gearing (remember resilience ? you know a pvp stat you can’t find in pve like you can find versatility?) they always had to pve to get the ultimate gear… But come blizz, this 550 conquest cap is pure trolling at this point.

If you like pvp do 550 conquest and raid or M+, imagine if you could get your gear as you want just by farming ? No way you would leave the game and stop subbing.

The most sad part is everyone is hitting on each other like "hey can’t get illimited loots in raids, or i’m capped in pvp conquest so you shouldn’t get A WORSE ILVL THAN RAID when you start +2 to +6 M+.

This whole looting system is the worse, and you just help blizzard by fighting every other communities of the game.

And for all those genius “Classic drop less loot it’s more meaningful” Guess what genius heroes ? CLASSIC DOESN’T RESET GEAR EVERY NEW RAIDS! Oh you’ve got your blue dungeon gear ? guess what MC will be relevant in 6 months, you can do a break come back and there is STILL CONTENT FOR YOUR GEAR AVAILABLE FFS!

This classic design in retail doesn’t work because gear becomes useless every raids !

Oh by the way The most alt friendly" expansion is the one where you can’t gear your main quickly to do the alts…

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