Loot Bug or bliizard Shananigans?

boa tarde. venho por este meio demostrar o meu descontentamento para com este jogo. ao fim de muito anos a jogar vejo-me descontente visto que
passo o dia a fazer mithics e por vezes nem dropa 1 unico item nesse dia em mais de 10 dungeons feitas. tem de ser outros a dar gear. os meus colegas tiram varias peças. e eu num dia por vezes nem 1 peça. se isto continua assim e mais 1 cliente de anos a parar de jogar. para voces nao significa nada mas para a comunidade e mais uma vergonha de 1 jogo que esteve tao alto no pedestal estar vergonhoso desta maneira. 1 bem haja a todos.

You’re on the English forums, you can find the spanish forums here

Hopefully they can help you

good afternoon. I hereby come to demonstrate my dissatisfaction with this game. After many years of playing I find myself dissatisfied as
I spend the day doing myths and sometimes I don’t even drop a single item that day in more than 10 dungeons done. It has to be others providing gear. my colleagues take several pieces. And I sometimes don’t even make 1 piece in a day. If this continues like this, another 1 year old customer will stop playing. For you it doesn’t mean anything, but for me its a shame that a game that was so high on the pedestal is shameful in this way. 1 Good luck to everyone.

Your shaman has 8 M+ pieces, overall it is well geared with an average ilvl of 622.

You’re complaining about RNG, when you got the pieces, those that didn’t get any will complain of RNG.

Cycle of loot continues. There’s no bug, for feedback you can move this topic to an appropriate non-support forum as they don’t handle feedback in general.

8M+ … since WW start. maybe you allredy equiped 3 or more toons
-.-… i see you want some protagonism… dont reply more pls , just take notes

If you want to report bugs please use the ingame bug reporting tool thank you!

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