today i pugged the new raid again (normal) killed the 1 armed bandit the item best in slot dropped a enhance shamie won the roll explain me how the f it is posible that they can win those items first of all vs classes that actualy are using 2h in there specs and to make it even better he was traying to sell it for 500k where is this game going to having people in raid needing on stuff that they dont need to emty the pockets of people that actualy need those items this game is going downwards in my oppion the greed of people is just insane and a other thing how is it posible aswel that 1 person can win 3 items from 1 boss you need to explain me that 1 aswel blizz people are waisting there time on doing those raids hoping to get a usefull item while there are others that just exploit others time
today i pugged the new raid again (normal) killed the 1 armed bandit the item best in slot dropped a enhance shamie won the roll explain me how the f it is posible that they can win those items first of all vs classes that actualy are using 2h in there specs and to make it even better he was traying to sell it for 500k where is this game going to having people in raid needing on stuff that they dont need to emty the pockets of people that actualy need those items this game is going downwards in my oppion the greed of people is just insane and a other thing how is it posible aswel that 1 person can win 3 items from 1 boss you need to explain me that 1 aswel blizz people are waisting there time on doing those raids hoping to get a usefull item while there are others that just exploit others time