Loot system is so bad, it actually has to be a joke blizzard

When im the only Rogue on a boss, it drops 2 daggers for my rogue on Tindral normal, i got 2 veteran dagger, so both daggers would have been an upgrade…and i win 1 and cant win the other 1 even when im the only rogue and im the only 1 that can need on it, i loose to a transmogroll!!! how can that be implemented at all? like please explain? it has to be a big misstake from you guys, yes ofc if there was a second rogue, i get it, np at all… but losing to a god damn warlock on a agility dagger? this actually makes me wanna quit this game…


I didn’t even knew Warlocks can roll for agility item

Rofl that for shiny loot haha. Are u really tilted because of that. ITS A FREAKING GAME GET OVER IT.

Dont blame blizz, blame the idiots that complained that PL was garbage.

Those had a memory loss and forgot what GL really ment.

Blizz just gave us what we wanted.


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you get the option to roll for transmog if you can equip a dagger… but the fact that a transmog roll gets it and not the need roll is so wrong…


well, i get why i cant win both daggers vs another rogue, but losing to a transmog roll when i can need? thats just sad

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Oh… but you CAN win both daggers vs another rogue… :smiley:

Somehow that was more “fair” than PL. :slight_smile:


Its a small price to pay.

I prefer forced need-before-greed or personal loot anytime. Its way better system then to rely on a master looter. If you played classic at launch you know that even when it comes to a 20year old meme game - people will do everything they can to ninja items.

That dopamine release on item receival is just too strong to pass up.

Are those daggers unique equipped by any chance? If yes it would make sense.

Why they didnt give it to you if it was upgrade? :smiley:

Probably Pugs.

The biggest arguement people had against PL was “please make masterlooter an option for groups who want to use it” and blizzard said “OK I’ll hook you up fam, Group loot mandatory for everyone”

This is purely on blizzard.

But what did people expect? PL was abused by guilds to gear up faster.

If on top of that you give GL in addition to other methodologies the whole raid loot concept would be so abused it would become trivial. For those that have 50 alts that is.

Of course Blizz would make it GL OR PL mandatory everywhere. Its logical.

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