No he wasn’t. He was commander, not king.
Why? This was never a thing, until Cata, when Varian became the first High King ever. We never got any explanation to why.
No he wasn’t. He was commander, not king.
Why? This was never a thing, until Cata, when Varian became the first High King ever. We never got any explanation to why.
afaia “high king” is a MoP thing.
Because of the negative feedback the questline was not added to retail, but the titles was left in with comments like “but it’s just like supreme commander”.
gl hf
You are right Varians quest to High King was in MoP, my bad. It’s still used to this day, at least in the books, but pretty sure in game as well.
That would be really cool, but tbh I’d rather have the Horde call upon the aid of the Revantusk, aka people who have been Horde members for ages, are eager to help us out and literally make up for one of our last representatives on EK but were virtually never put to use smh
Oh I don’t mean to put this over the Revantusk. Of course not, I think we should see more of them, even a speaker for the council. The same goes for the Shatterspear, Ogres and Taunka. The tribes in the Horde have to get more development and spotlight. I agree with you it’s a shame the Revantusk are so underused and could be involved in cool stories.
Agreed, kick the pandaren and vulpera off the Council, put in the Taunka, Raventusk and Stonemaul.
Not the Shatterspear tho, they’re defunct, ded, kaput!
Well the Alliance won the battle for Darkshore and NElves have taken their territory back, but we don’t know what happened to Shatterspear lands afterwards
Cata had killed them off as a unified tribal structure but nothing indicates that BFA did so again
But yeah ofc they’re not top priority for the council rn lol
Pretty sure the Shatterspear were originally added as a hidden Easter egg as they were called the dancing trolls back then
They could be so much more though. I see them as the Shadowmoon of the Trollkind. Yet Horde side there has NEVER BEEN any interaction with them. Like for real the first time we got to speak with a Shatterspear was in BFA with the terrace of the speakers and they didn’t even have unique dialogues lol press F
I have this thought way too frequently since the beginning of my retail WoW revisit (Shadowlands pre-patch onward).
gl hf
Seriously, the situation of the Shatterspear annoys me to no end, because even as a troll fan the story makes it hard to root for them.
We know the tribe split from the Gurubashi Empire after Hakkar’s defeat but it is never explained how and why they came to settle in that small valley in Darkshore of all places.
It’s true, they were some sort of Easter Egg in Vanilla, the "dancing trolls"whose village was quite difficult to access without flying.
And apparently they lived peacefully with the Night Elves in the middle of their territory for many years.
Then along comes Garrosh- not exactly the “troll whisperer” even on his best day- and as you point out, there were never interactions between them and the horde before.
But somehow the Shatterspear are totally fine to attack the Night Elves for Garrosh’s war.
Quite brutally, too, they capture a couple of them and torture them to death, one of them being a former questgiver who cared mostly about the sick animals in the area…
and we never learn why, we’re not given a single reason to make their decision understandable.
Like, it’s well possible that they ran out of food and ressources ( the valley is small and trolls are known to reproduce fast )and maybe that led to fatal encounters with Night Elves when they ventured outside to hunt.
Or they tried to trade with the Night Elves and were denied. (We know from the Cata quests that the Night Elves tolerated their presence as long as they stayed where they were, but also looked down on them and would likely not have cared if they died out. )
But no. No explanation, no backstory at all. The Shatterspear are peaceful until they’re not. Because as we all know trolls are prone to violence and cruelty by nature. And the writers only cared for them when they needed them as a plot device on two occasions of horde agression. 10/10 storytelling
The Night Elves’ retribution is hard and merciless, the whole village gets wiped out, its inhabitants trampled to death by an Ancient army. But some survived and then played a crucial part in the WoT.
What happened to the Shatterspear after the war is currently unknown, but with all of Darkshore back in Kaldorei hands it stands to reason that they will never again live there. Or how many of them are even still alive.
I really hope for a better fate for the tribe in the future, because so far the writing for them has been abysmal. At the very least, they should have a speaker in the horde council and get a new place to live in.
Yeah exactly. The very little we know of them (e.g. they lived in peace with the neighbouring Kal’dorei for years and then they struck out a deal with Garrosh and started hating them to death out of the blue) doesn’t make a lick of sense. At this point the only way out of this would be a slight retcon (something like “the Kal’dorei did us wrong” instead of “we join the Horde because it helped us build stuff and so now their mortal ennemies are our mortal ennemies”).
From Vanilla to Cata they were pretty much just an easter egg. And since Cata they’re just quest food for Alliance adventurers. I mean, if you put something into your game and actually reuse it on a regular basis, at some point you have to INCLUDE IT INTO THE UNIVERSE damn. If they really have zero plans for the Shatterspear they’d rather forget about them and replace them with, I don’t know, freaking Gnolls. But right now it’s just sad.
And it’s made even sadder by the fact that they could actually be so cool. I mean, they’re a weak tribe that fled from Stranglethorn and settled on Darkshore, dancing around the vale in a beautiful village isolated from everything and constantly bathing in the moonlight. This and the fact that they had been living in peace with the NElves could have established them as a chill mystical Troll tribe with heavy ties to druidism. Such a waste ahhhh.
They’d fit so well in Nazmir for example!!! I hope devs give them a new home if there’s no returning to Darkshore
Same. So far they were only good enough to stick their neck out for the horde’s wars and gained absolutely nothing from it.
As a fellow jungle troll tribe I could see them settle with the Darkspear on the Echo Isles and help them fortify it. But I don’t dare getting my hopes up. Plot device that they were, we might never hear from them again
I agree with you it’s sad. I don’t understand such a kind of story telling. It’s not even really “world building”. Heck even Goblins in something like Goblinslayer have their motivations better explained.
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