Just dropping the facts by. Lordaeron is rightful Forsaken lands since they are the true people of Lordaeron. Alliance needs to get out and get back to Stormwind where they truly belong to. Alright. That is all I wanted to say. Peace out.
Get yourself banned again, no one likes you.
Bye. See you in your next new thread.
I am here to stay
Yea tbh give us Undercity back
Although lore-wise it’s troll lands first and foremost but hey we can share!!!
Well, if I take the bait, there are 2 problems I see with the whole thing:
- how much of Lordaeron do you mean? If you mean all of the contitent, that would be like: Silverpine (1), Tirisfal (2), Plaguelands (4), likely former territories of Dalaran (5) and Alterac (6), Hillsbrad Foothills (7). Which is by a long shor more than any other race had in the game.
- which part of the forsaken do you take into consideration? Players? NPCs? If the 2nd thing, what are you going to offer to those who would want to be closer to threir living relatives?
Unfortunately the original concept of the horde as a group that was united against a hostile world was thrown away and currently the horde overall, and the forsaken among them, are those who created the hostility towards them. Whatever will come next, would it really be surprising?
But that is an unrelated things.
gl hf
Tirisfal, SIlverpine, Hillsbrad and Andorhal. Don’t care about Arathi or the Plaguelands. Argents control these mostly anyways.
The night elves have Hyjal, Darkshore, Felwood, Winterspring, Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Feralas and Moonglade. I dare to say that is more then any other race in the game has.
Also. Humans. They got All of Stormwind and the surrounding regions for their own. So Forsaken having some zones of their own is not that much of an issue for me. Is it just fair and riight if at least ONE Horde race have more then just a single zone of their own.
What are the current alliance specific locations? Ashenvale, Felwood, Stonetalon, Winterspring - all were “contested” since the Classic days. Moonglade is neutral. Darkshore is not a night elf territory in the game at the moment, till updated.
All races except humans had usually 2. Humans are exceptions with 3.
Northers Barrens is largely horde. Sure, historically orcs share their starting experience with the darkspear trolls. Blood elves have 2 iirc. In the game if you start the forsaken, they still have practically 3 (Tirisfal, Silverpine, Hillsbrad). Haven’t player tauren for ages, so can’t tell about those.
If you’re willing to include contested zones like Winterspring of Feralas, that would increase the number of “kinda horde” territories too.
gl hf
You can’t deny that the night elves have a large presence in all of these zones. This is why I chose them as nightelf turf,
humans have 4
Elwynn forest
Redridge mountains.
Ah, my bad, forgot about Duskwood after is was butchered in Legion. Still counted as a human territory.
So, would you be happy if the forsaken would be limited to the “large presence” in the zones of former Lordaeron kingdom?
gl hf
Just for info, current High King and a Ruler of the Alliance, the person that sits on the throne, is Turalyon.
When person dies, all his lands goes to his family. If person did not had any family, his lands goes to government.
And Turalyon currently is the only alive person who was one of main persons in the Lordaeron kingdom governance system.
So, currently according to the laws, only Alliance has real rights on the Lordaeron!
Hyjal - neutral.
Felwood - neutral.
Moonglade - neutral.
Winterspring - neutral (almost no Night Elves there at all).
Stonetalon - 50/50 between Alliance and the Horde.
Ashenvale - current situation is unknown.
I can agree only about Darkshore. But that location also still is represented as Warfront in the game.
Turalyon is a proper supreme commander and military lead. As what “high king” should’ve been. But it’s not a “high king”, but “regent of Stormwind”.
There is some uncertainty with Calia Menethil. A tag of war between some of the devs and the playerbase about her presence in the horde. So far her interests are seemingly focused on about a reunion of the undead and the living. IMO if such thing is doable, that would be on the alliance territory. And she likely would prefer not to start a conflict and would go overly safe on this subject.
gl hf
I hope she gets killed off. Such an abomination of a character does not belong with the Horde.
Alternatively - donate to the allinace
She would be a better option than Anduin IMO. At least even though she wants good things, sometimes it backfires, unlike with Anduin.
Oh well, one can dream.
gl hf
You can have her full time. Forsaken never asked for her. She would just damage the racial fantasy if she gets her light redemption bull crap done.
The parts of Lordaeron the Forsaken held were held by no more right than the right of conquest. So… they belong to them as long as they can keep them.
Woops boy. Seems like Chrono will be up for a massive post. can’t wait to debate it.
There isn’t really much to debate. It’s possible to dig up the whole part about how forsaken occupied Undercity, created by Arthas originally. And about killing Garritos, all that stuff discussed many times.
Meta part of the story
But realistically the problem with those debates is IMO - what is there to discuss. As much as I would like to be able to look at the story and characters and try to put together how characters would react to different situations, etc., that matter little. Because that is not the basis for the devs, since they can hop back and forth without accepting responcibility for what they do.
I remember watching Afrasiabi’s interview, where the answer about “how / why do you even add allied races” the answer is that the main consideration - what’s cool.
I do not have a “cool-o-meter”, so I can’t really predict which of those factors that should on paper be relevant would end up having place as “cool” and which will end up being ignored fully or partially till a convenient moment to remember about things that should have impact like a year earlier, if not more.
The reception of BfA led the team to move a bit away from “wait and see” to “we’re listening to the feedback”, although if they actually do - remains to be seen.
And the current team is not quite the same as BfA one, so there is a possibility for positive changes. One of them would be, for example, actually placing the story of the game into the game, unlike previous expansions where it would require looking at other media to understand what is even going on.
Unfortunately there are plenty troublesome signs that the troubles caused by BfA were not big enough and “wait and see” still lingers, just as favoritism of the devs, and odd moralization attempts.
The big question is, what is the place of the forsaken in the story currently. Previously they were rejected by the living, but now there is barely anyone really anti-forsaken in the alliance. Turalyon and Genn were on board with the Gathering. Tyrande and night elves were open to welcome back undead night elves. So, this part of the forsaken identity turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy of them harming others and then playing a victim card (Voss and her “it’s the alliance that fosters this malice”) after drowning people in blight.
On the other hand, originally the forsaken looked at the horde as the alliance of convenience and / or necessity, to use them to achieve their goals (revenge on Arthas at the time). But now we have Thrall claiming that “the horde is not the horde without the forsaken”, which undermines that dynamic comepletely.
So, what is left? I think that would be a time to reconstruct their fantasy and pay attention to the players, what made them actually like and pick that race. And then to recreate the thing. And based on that, there would be many more questions touched, like origin of Lordaeron, role of Light for the undead, cult of the forgotten shadow, re-use / revisit of the legacy of the former forsaken actions, legacy of Sylvanas, what made that character good to begin with, what is worth to keep around of those ideas, etc.
gl hf
There should be a massive schism in the Forsaken. Most of them never felt on par with the Horde and would stay loyal to Sylvans no matter what I am sure.
I mean yeah it does. Both Forsaken and the living humans in Loraderon had claims on the area, Forsaken were the ones to prevail with destruction of Southshore, Hillsbrad fields and conquest of Andorhal.
Beside Arthas didn’t pull these people out of his bottom, these are mostly all humans killed in Loraderon that were raised.