Lore explanation for MW monk

So I have not played MOP. This is something that is killing me lately …

… how is it possible for MW monk to heal others with their kicks and punches?
Is there any better explanation than “ancient teachings” or “magic lol”?

There are no ‘lore’ explanations per say, but stills had more explanations in the past. I recall a skill that was able to hit targets with negative chi and mend allies with positive chi. A bouncing wave skill it was can’t quite recall the name, was in the same tier as the chi orb blast thing.

That combined with the skill from ww that makes it so killing someone leaves a chi orb that heals when you kill someone.

You could always say that hitting them extracts/shreds bits of chi from the enemy, and uses their positive chi to heal your allies.

WoW lore is filled with holes, and using bits and pieces to fill them in a manner that makes sense can be hard at times admittedly.


That is some interesting theories. I like the shredding of enemy chi, that sounds quite cool :slight_smile:

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In the WoW lore, “Chi” is literally the Pandaren word for “Spirit” and connects very well to their “Live in the moment”-philosophy, that also kept the Sha at bay.
When a Monk manipulates Chi, he taps into the same power that enables Shamans to communicate with the elements. Since the healing monks are called “Mistweavers”, it’s probably similar to the Shaman healing mechanic. The Shaman asks water elementals to strengthen their allies and heal their wounds, the Mistweaver may be using body language and moves to connect to them and command their “Spirit force”. :thinking:

Chen even does it in the MoP-Cinematic:

That’s probably also the reason behind the “Storm, Earth and Fire”-skill of the monks, it also seems to have an elemental based origin.

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So it’s like the punch or a kick has a double purpose, hit sb in a face but also the movement is invoking magic. Haven’t thought about that.

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