It probably did come from Gilneas, that is the implication. There’s certainly no evidence to suggest they did not come through Gilneas.
There is, it’s called Plague. Your implication is wrong. And based on assumptions. With no back up.
The conflict in Silverpine is a continuation of the assult in the War of the Thorns. Every mission is a reference to it.
They’ll restore Gilneas right after they restore Gnomeregan.
Big hm.
For Christmas this year, I wish Blizzard would update and bring Gilneas to life, I have many fond memories of it.
9 years and the entire zone is still unchanged. (apart from the odd questline). Seems like a big waste.
I was hopeful once.
I actually remember being super confused by Gilneas when I started playing WoW again recently.
I flew in there expecting to see a low-level area full of NPCs, and it’s… empty. I legitimately thought I was experiencing some kind of weird phasing bug where all the NPCs became invisible. It’s really weird they decided to specifically make the zone empty, as opposed to just leaving it a low-level starting zone like all the others.
Well Lupus, i believe you are wrong. If memory serves, from the starting quests, at least, the only area that was plagued was the cathedral quarter of the Gilneas city (and only a part of it, since you stop the plaguing almost at the start using the Horde bat to bomb Horde forces that are approaching the city). And since there are now 7th Legion (or Stormwind) tents there, right now, presumably something tied to the battleground, i would surmise that the plague has dissipated since that area was plagued in the starting quests for the Worgen.
Now, mind you, i could ALSO be wrong, since i never played through the Horde side Silverpine zone quest chain, but i don’t recall reading anywhere that once the Horde was pushed out of Gilneas they came back and plagued Gilneas.
And just to make matters perfectly clear on my point of view, I am in no way saying that Gilneas is safe for civilians, far from it. But for military units/orders, who could have a steady supply chain, its feasible to presume that they could make their bases there.
Horde has quests in Gilneas, it’s basically indeed 7th Legion swinging by a then-clean Gilneas. This is also why there’s a submarine.
However, to my understanding there was another use of Blight offscreen at some point, like either as throwaway dialogue or a book or something, I don’t quite recall.
god I wish they’d just update Gilneas to whatever its current state is.
Blizzard has been wildly inconsistent on it.
The Forsaken deployed Blight when they were kicked out by the 7th Legion and Crowley’s men, but there’s never been a single explanation for how much of it is blighted, which areas, and whether or not the Alliance attempts to clean it up since MoP have been successful and if so, to what extent, as every time it is mentioned it seems to contradict whatever was said before.
What we know is that there’s SOME Blight and SOME Alliance. Gilneas is an entire country, so it’s not really possible that the Forsaken covered all of it anyway, ergo it’s probably the safe bet to say that it’s uninhabitable/untenable in a long-term, sustainable civilian way, but fine for short-term military operations that aren’t exactly staying to set down roots.
Post-4.3 it got blighted and became uninhabitable.
We know this isn’t true since the Forsaken were still trying to take the city from the Blackhowls during the FotF questline.
Most of the deployment of plague was done way past that point in Cata. The Worgen starting zone quests are only a small portion of it.
The tents you are talking about are in FRONT of the Greymane Wall, which obviously wasn’t heavily blighted. Everything behind the wall is still Tschernobyl. All the battles described in the mission tables are also all between Shadowfang and Hillsbrad. Do you understand now?
There you go.
Uhm, during Cata, you are able to traverse a good size of Gilneas City without plague issues (Legendary Dagger quest)
And according to mission table, we’ve already been inside and scouting / claiming Gilnean land…
Gilneas being perpetually blighted is a cool Victorian Werewolf Fallout style setting but instead it seems to be either empty wastes or a fully reclaimed functioning kingdom by now. I’m personally adverse to the latter as it implies that it’s okay for the pack guilds to return and occupy the Blackwald with their filth.
Fully functioning is out of the question, because I’m sure Genn wouldn’t leave the Kaldorei on the streets of Stormwind if that were the case.
They are able to return, but it is not safe. Where there has been no activity from the kingdom, wildlife may have gotten stronger, or hide outs of forsaken/Horde, or plague hidden away in nooks and crannies. Even worse, land is still not cleansed and water would need to be purified or transported.
Indeed not…
Yeah. The area in front of the Wall. And that’s about it. Everything else is headcanon/assumptions just like:
sorry, but smh… more assumptions.
“Front of the wall” - This is inside the city, where the plague is not harming you, as you traverse to do your questline.
Gilneas City Map pathing - Fangs:
h t t p s://wow.zamimg.c o m/uploads/guide/images/751.jpg
(apparently not allowed to post links still - Remove obvious spaces)
The second part, yes, assumptions but if you look by mission board activity, which apparently is canon, we aren’t really avoiding the zones.
Since assumptions aren’t allowed, surely you have an actual hard source on this statement, then?
Just saying “It happened after the quests” doesn’t actually work because that is pure headcanon.
Did it ever occured to you, most of YOUR statments are YOUR assumptions…?