The faction Dracthyr are separated into two distinct groups, kind of like the faction Pandaren. Horde Dracthyr are called the Dark Talons and are led by a red female Dracthyr named Scalecommander Cindrethresh ; Alliance Dracthyr are called the Obsidian Watchers and are led by a blue male Dracthyr named Scalecommander Azurathel.
There are map files for the War of the Shifting Sands, Gnoll War, and Pandaren Revolution. Probably a Bronze Dragonflight flashback questlines thing.
Sabellian is here. Sabellian and Wrathion both have their own personal reps.
The Alliance is asked for help by Wrathion, the Horde by Ebyssian.
Hemet Neringway is retired.
The Grimtotem seem to be present in some way, as there’s a raid boss called Kurog Grimtotem.
There are Gnolls who practice decay magic.
Some Furbolgs began tapping into Elemental magic and, oh so uncharacteristic of them, got corrupted. There are friendly, uncorrupted Furbolgs, however. They were also given an updated model.
Strong ARs presence within the Dragonscale expedition. Characters such as Mayla, Thalyssra and Wardruid Loti are there.
Please feel free to add whatever information you have here !!!
Please tell me their won’t be anything to do with the War of the Ancients / the Highborne, because I can’t cope with their obsession over that time period.
I was almost losing myself when the DF cinematic said “10,000 years ago…”
I hope the Grimtotem join a Tauren rebellion to get rid of Baine.
Finally confronting Stormwind with their unjustful theft of rightful Gnoll lands?
Of course Alliance gets the male leader. Why I am not surprised lol.
Always knew he was a traitor. His friendship to Anduin matters more to him then the good of the world. I hope at least Sabellian is neutral and doesn’t pick a side.
Why is that man still free? He is literally a war criminal. I had hoped the Huntmaster in Zandalar has put an end to his schemes.
Disgusting. When we will get a real Horde character for once instead of the weak council.
Do you have Screens from them? I am kind curious how they look like.
If Tyrande is present, then Thalyssra should be involved.
Yeah, yeah - waffle on about the half naked Elisande (it’s the only reason you like female characters anyway) - lest I remind you she called the Horde “misfits and monsters.”
I don’t care about the Horde! When will you get that through your skull man!
I only care about how the Elves are handled - particularly how the Elves on the Horde are handled. A bunch of zombies…if I wanted to care about them, I’d play a game that is all about zombies, like resident evil.
And guess what…not even Blizzard cares about the Horde or the Alliance now.
Cross-faction grouping has sealed all of that now. Their will be no more faction war expansions. Only minimal faction war story zones - like Ashenvale.
I can finally play my amazing Night Elf Resto Druid and get into groups.
This is a faction neutral expansion, that’s why the Alliance characters will take the lead - with Wrathion, the definite main character of the expansion essentially becoming Alliance now, which is totally not a misrepresentation based on vague context!
However, I’m not here to threaten Blizzard over what they should and shouldn’t do with the Blood Elves and Nightborne, but they are the only races I truly like and want to follow.
I do love Night Elf Druids though, so cross faction grouping has made me want to play my Druid again.
The problem with Erevien and Kalibas is that they both take it that one step too far, where they dictate on what we should want and who we should like. That is where I take a firm stand. Who are they to dictate on what we should want? Two little men on the internet…?