Not going to happen you dont seem to know what peace means
I spit on peace. The void elf scum will pay for their treason.
shut up dude
I’m sure now that they have made Gnolls so “cute” (especially the children, despite they were not supposed to) they will probably join the Alliance, eventually… also dogs should stick with other dogs after all (Worgen)
Let’s hope in something exciting because the Reliquary working alongside the Explorer’s League isn’t, really…when Blood Elves dig up stuff only for historical knowledge rather than magical artifacts for their own power or for curing their own addiction, they become boring and stale like the Dwarves, indeed…
Consider yourself lucky that Erevien is willing to kill Umbric rather than Alleria, actually…considering he’s basically an idealist whose story was made up with no background in the Sin’dorei society at all, and that he is rather naive (seriously, the guy wanted to introduce communism in goblin society at some point), and not at a threat at all for the Horde/Blood Elves compared to Alleria anyway…
Well, quests have been datamined where Lor’themar, Lady Thalyssra, Mayla and somebody else are in Orgrimmar.
Lor’themar hasn’t been datamined as their seems to be a strong allied race presence > core race, barring Blood Elves and Dwarves.
I’m curious as to what Thalyssra’s role will be.
Maybe she will announce to the world she’s pregnant so her future will be simply the one of a mother and we have to assist her and Lor’themar with that…
(cheesy I know, but at least it would be refreshing to have an official elven-only family WITH kids too (even if it’s not the same race technically) for once, rather than always just the usual male (ex) Human x female High Elf (Windrunner) family drama (or the usual Malfurion x Tyrande (x Illidan))
Probable but unlikely since Lor’themar isn’t datamined to be part of the Dragonscale Expedition and the Dragon Isles and Thalyssra being pregnant don’t seem to link up…ahahaha
Again - indicated a huge allied presence, with only Blood Elven Reliquary and Dwarven Explorer’s League as the core race presence at the moment. I do welcome this as Night Elves and Blood Elves have gotten a lot of attention of recent times, so it would be good to see the Nightborne and Void Elves re-enter the story.
Actually Blood Elves working alongside Dwarves is one thing since the grudges of the Blood Elves toward Dwarves aren’t that many (mainly just Prospector Anvilward in TBC, and the fact that the Ironforge Dwarves didn’t move a finger to help the Blood Elves with the Garithos problem in WC3), but if the Void Elves are part of the Explorer’s League too, it could be too problematic, tensions could raise too high among these two races to work together since they are former Blood Elves on the side of the Alliance now, and there could be (dangerous) pranks and insults between the two like it happened between the Night Elves and Blood Elves during Legion, disrupting all the work anyway…
I don’t know - it should be good though.
Hopefully an increased Blood Elf/Nightborne relationship as well - perhaps Thalyssra and Tae’thelan will lead the efforts, whilst the Brann and Umbric lead the Alliance efforts.
I mean, sure - Night Elves will be off doing their own thing which is more noticeable than this, but such is the way of not concluding this story in Shadowlands and just giving them Hyjal as their new home with beautiful Night Elven architecture, both Darnassus-like and ancient-like.
No I will not. Umbric attacked our allies and for that he will pay with his life.
So, was it officially confirmed that their new home and capital will be Hyjal and not somewhere else ?? (either in Kalimdor or even outside of it)
If Erevien means the Zandalari and the void elves raising dinosaurs bones, that’s more the fault of the Trolls for being easily scared about everything that they don’t know (seriously, the Amani were afraid of simple Runestones for thousands of years until they were mostly destroyed).
Although it’s also true Umbric gave the consent to use necromancy in that situation (and specifically, Void-Necromancy now that we know other schools of magic can perform their own form of Necromancy too), so even if he used Void-Necromancy only on dinosaurs mostly just to scare the Zandalari away for a bit, an eye should be kept on the him and the Void Elves, Void Necromancy could become fast a very serious and too dangerous weapon in a war… (The Light and Fel magic have their own version of Necromancy too by the way)
Are we really going to talk about necromancy crimes in BFA xD?
I hope we stay in Kalimdor! Its our home and my favorite continent along with broken shore!
Yeah…or maybe he’s talking about the Void Elves attacking Gallywix, or Alleria in the Sunwell… I don’t think he has a favourite race in the Horde so it’s difficult to pinpoint
what he’s really talking about sometimes
Feeding goblins directly into the void is a pretty crappy move, though… But since murdering Umbric still wouldn’t delete velves from the game, I don’t see why anyone would care. It’s not as if the guy is a character. Give a new guy 5 minutes of characterization and the “damage” of Umbric’s death would already be compensated…
No - what I mean is they should have just concluded the story by giving the Kaldorei, Mt Hyjal as their new home.
They aren’t doing that with this whole “New World Seed” stuff, hence Tyrande’s involvement in Dragonflight.
I’d rather they just go to Hyjal and build up a huge city around the Well of Eternity and Nordrassil’s roots. Kick the Cenarion Circle presence out and send them to Moonglade, whilst Night Elves and Blood Elves are the ones who use their founts of power.
Yes. The Zandalari were ambushed by his void magic. THe children of Gonk to be specific. I have no quarrel with Alleria because Umbric was the main driver of the alliance war campaign. Until he isn’t dead I will not rest. Anyone who stands in the way of the Horde deserves to be crushed beneath it. Lok’tar!
Pretty sure the Night Elves don’t have the authority (or power) to kick a neutral organization out, though… and I’m pretty sure Malfurion wouldn’t agree to it anyway, and especially the part about Night Elves having their own source of magical power, not in the same way the Blood Elves “use” the Sunwell at least… probably even the Night Elf Shen’dralar Highborne know better rather than asking for something like that to their leaders, anyway
You raised our gorilla friend back from the dead and made him fight us! Your dirty goblins chained and arrested his whole tribe! You are the ones who were the war criminals! For Grong! For justice!
But it’s all about change as they are the only Elves who are undergoing change and it’s about time they did things other than being tree hippies.
One way to do it is make the core elven races be the one who control founts of power, through different methods of course, but using them both. The Night Elf fanbase are owed something as this story is dragging on for too long. They shouldn’t be mocked (just as long as what they want isn’t at the expense of their core race counterpart, the Blood Elves.)
Nightborne and Void Elves just offer different takes from their respective core race counterpart and don’t come with the full package.