Lore Question: Stormsong Valley

I am in Stormsong Valley now. I am with Brother Pike and his quest confuses me. I am a Paladin, so we should be somewhat aligned in viewpoints.
But these Stormsong people, they are not corruped or undead or whatever. They are people who chose a path.
Why are we harvesting their souls? They are people of free will.
It just seems a bit odd to me, these aren’t undead who’s spirits need to be freed.
We are killing people with opposing viewpoints and re-purposing their souls.

Or am I getting the lore wrong?

Edit: Nevermind, they’re fish people?

your eyes have yet to open

drown yourself in the circle of stars

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Been a while since i replayed it, but if memory serves the soul harvesting bit is sort of a burial rite among the tidesages. That story kind of benefits from the context that the evil Tidesages are bound to Azshara and embraced the whispers of N’zoth and the void.


Thanks for this. I didn’t know the lore property.

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