Lore Tidbits Thread

Void elves have been accepted into the SI:7. That’s something I didn’t know until today.

Kul Tirans are apparently already let into the Alliance’s military. Went into Tiragarde invasion yesterday, noticed a couple “7th Legion Bulwarks” who were specifically using the bulky Kul Tiran human Allied Race model.

They’ve been accepted into it for quite some time, it’s just there’s a certain throng of SI:7 players who have repeatedly and stubbornly denied this is the case, while immediately saying Kul Tirans are allowed in at the same time :thinking: which we haven’t seen any evidence of.

1.Either one of two things is true.
a)Blood Elves (and High Elves) can actually tell Eye colour despite the glow.
b) The Eye Glow takes a time to set in, and is not instantaneous upon birth.

We know this because both Lor’themar and Liadrin are described as having naturally brown or hazel eyes in ‘Blood of the Highborne’, a fact that no one could know unless they could tell themselves, or their parents had told them. Both would have had glowing blue eyes at the time, so either it is not as pervasive as thought, or it does not set in instantly upon birth, and their respective parents would have noted it.

  1. Lor’themar and Liadrin are actually an ‘Item’. Again from ‘Blood of the Highborne’ where Halduron chides Lor’themar and says That Lor’themar should just go ahead and marry her. This is prior to the formation of the Blood Knights, so there is no political reason for it, Liadrin is ‘just’ a Priestess at the time, and Lor’themar does not seem surprised or averse to the idea, so there is obviously -something- there.

  2. Gnolls are actually much more intelligent than suspected and far from being trash mobs in Elwynn Forest are perfectly erudite and eloquent, their current barbarous state is due to their persecution and eradication by Humans. They might not be -nice-, but they’re not de facto stupid.

  3. Nightborne -are- different from Night Elves. The easiest way to tell is by putting the models next to each other, Nightborne are generally darker in skin tone, reflecting the skin tones of the Dark Trolls from which both strains of the species came, which makes sense, as they were preserved in the same state for ten thousand years. They also have much more talon-like fingers and toes than Kaldorei, plus in the cinematic when you first meet Thalyssra, you see her actually look down in shock and horror at herself as she says “It Changed us…” She is literally looking at her hand as she says that, there is clearly a biological difference…

High elves don’t have a glow.




Alleria alternates between not having glow and sometimes having glow, but then she’s also a void elf now. In most official art (and indeed in game), high elves are depicted as having normal eyes, albeit with much larger irises than humans.

They had glowing eyes in Warcraft 3


And in the WoW does WC3 dungeons


They had them in Burning Crusade


Over in the movie


Now what it might be is that ‘low magic’ High Elves such as peasants and small children do not have glowing eyes.

Perhaps Half Elves, do not have glowing eyes as well.

I hate this. It’s a case of 'the canon is sh itty so I have elected to ignore it."
We go from a race with magical glowing eyes (kaldorei) to a race even more magical who litteraly die without their magic well (quel’dorei) but somehow suddenly they have human eyes? Yeah no, this is stupid.

By that definition, nor do Kaldorei. As Azshara, the most powerful sorceress known to mortal races, doesn’t have an eye glow either, from the exact same series of animations…Nor do any of the Kaldorei in the Warbringers animation…or…perhaps it was so they could convey emotion…

Fan Art, not an in-game depiction.

Outright Art…I mean that literally is just a drawing…

Alleria has her own unique model, and it has glowing blue eyes (It shouldn’t, she should lore-wise have had fel-green eyes by the Dev’s own words prior to becoming a Void Elf) but members of the Silver Covenant have quite clearly full blue eyes. Not Blue Irises, but full blue eyes. That’s lore and depiction. Actual in game sources, not fan art or animations that quite evidently are not lore accurate.

Sorry if any of these have already been seen!

  1. Night Elf females can be changed into Succubi. Arguably, this means warlocks could summon former Night elf succubi as minions… of course how many of these elf turned succubi remains to be seen.


  1. I’m not sure this one counts but I think it helps put things in perspective and it is something most folks forget.

During the fall of Lordaeron to the Scourge, the Gnomes were fighting a bitter conflict with the troggs. They could have asked for help from the other Alliance nations but chose not to, deeming the plight of Lordaeron to be of greater importance. They did not, for they could not, provide soldiers to send to support Lordaeron but continued to send shipments of arms to aid the Lordaeron campaign even as their city fell.

The resulting evacuation of their city, war with the troggs and the radiation killed 90% of their race, putting them at odds with Draenei and High Elves in terms of sudden population loss.

  • Chronicles volume 3.
  1. There appears to have been some gender discrimination or at the very least few female Draenei Exarchs among the Draenei at some point. In one Draenei’s living memory, which admitidly could be tens of thousands of years:

"When I was young I trained hard to become an [anchorite] in the priesthood. Female exarchs were practically unheard of.

Nowadays gender matters little - it is courage and conviction that make all the difference.


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I did not know of this. I wonder, then, if the Sayaad were from another world entirely then assimilated what became their homeworld, turning its denizens into demons… That’d be cool. (and that’s probably my headcanon)

It goes without saying anyone/everyone eventually turns into a demon given enough exposure to demons/fel, though its interesting to see what type depends on the race.

All the art linked in that post are official Blizzard art. One is from the Warbringers, the other is from the cover of Night of the Dragon novel. And also they don’t depict high elves with a glow in game, as seen in the third link of a side by side comparison between a high elf and a blood elf.


Uses the same new model we see in-game without glow. Blue eyes, yes. No glow though.

Outdated model

And not canon

Newest lore is always the most valid ones with Blizzard’s tendency to retcon themselves all the time. In official art and now with their new model, as well as most recent art depiction of them in Warbringers all show them without eyeglow before the fel corruption.

EDIT: A close up of a high elf’s eyes right now in game
https://i.gyazo.com/93613be0698c6a1b230dcd9e13bd3b16.png https://i.gyazo.com/e5a975bc01f9a7a27af1e5867eca8b51.png

There is no glow.

So Kaldorei do not have an eye glow then? I mean if Warbringers is Canon, then Kaldorei do not have an eye glow. Yet Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan were all born by that point and all had an eye glow…

So you are saying that -all- Quel’dorei have naturally oversized blue Irises?

Their vision must be screwed, the Iris exists for a reason, they’d literally be fumbling to see the arrow they are stringing, let alone aim and fire, unless it was absolute pitch darkness.

Or alternatively, they don’t have normal eyes…So one of two things is true, either the Quel’dorei are mostly blind, or they do have the blue glow, as most of their models do.

You’re going to be really hard pressed to find high elves with glow in recent official Blizzard art or in game. I spent the time going around Dalaran checking all the high elf NPCs I could find, and not a single one of them had glow. The male models have screwed, unfinished eyes; they have the green tint of blood elf models painted onto their skin around their eyelids. But even they don’t have an actual glow to them.

Meanwhile with females you can literally see the white of their eyes exactly as depicted in Warbringers.

On top of all that, Blizzard’s been consistently depicting them without eyeglow in their official art, including the “fan art” (which is actually official art from a novel) from before.

All the instances of them actually having glow are all outdated at this point with a newer source directly contradicting it, or ruled as non-canon (like the Warcraft movie).

Add to this the fact that they did have brown, blue, and other shades as their natural eyecolours like you initially mentioned and nothing to support the speculation that they somehow earn a glow when they mature, it’s fair to say that high elf eyes remain as they are until a different source of magic comes along and changes them (Fel/Light).


of all the lore arguments that can be had, you two are b!tching about eye colours/glows.

why is this a big deal to either of you. its just another pissing contest now of whose right or wrong.


Pfft, its not, Its just a lore change if Kaldorei and Quel’dorei don’t have glowing eyes is all.

An interesting change by Blizz, and they -really- need to rework the Night Elf and High Elf models in game if so, but eh, they haven’t changed Silvermoon since TBC so I’m not exactly holding my breath for that.

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this is nothing new though. blizzard sh!ts on lore all the time.

roll with the punches and take what’s given at this point.

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It is more of a wishful thinking, rather than an actual “lore tidbit”, nor I can remember (or find) Halduron saying that. The only piece of writing from there that may suggest Liadrin harboring any sort of romantic feelings for Lor’themar is during his ceremony of becoming a ranger lord, when Vandellor made sly remarks.

She remembered how High Priest Vandellor had leaned over to her confidingly and said, “A fine young man . . . certain to make some lucky lady very proud when the time comes.” Liadrin shook her head. That was Vandellor, always looking out for her interests.

And then only this post-Scourge invasion, during the early days of the Blood Knight order:

Times changed; people changed . . . but there were some things, like
Lor’themar’s admiration and affection for Liadrin, that over the years had remained very much the same.

Granted, they are big-time friends due to the bond that happened during their imprisonment by the trolls and overall tragedy of being the only two people remaining from their “circle”, but a few sentences of a one-sided affection does not identify them both as an “item”, far from it.

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I’m questing on Alliance side to 120 for the first time and a particular quest caught my eye.

Druidic magic can undo the bindings holding undead together, effectively destroying them.

The remains of previous trespasser also arose when we set off the main trap.

Cranklefuse here has been demanding that I help them, and while I can’t say I’m too familiar with turning the undead, I believe I have found a solution.

I’ve modified my staff to remove their curse, take it, and see if you can’t help them.

Another victory for druid magic! This staff is much more effective than any of Cranklefuse’s gadgets.


It makes sense with Legion establishing that polar opposites undo each other. Arcane counters Fel (as per the Demon Hunter tattoos) and the Light counters the Void. It stands to reason that Life counters Death, and this quest supports it.


Big brain idea - drop a “Life Bomb” on Orgrimmar, it kills the Forsaken but spares the living Horde. Peace treaty then can be negotiated.