Is there a questline, cinematic which I can do/see or comic, book which I can read? I want to see how they got married lol.
They alluded that a short story on that would be coming. Nothing yet, but probably some time soon, maybe during the prepatch.
There will be no wedding. Both of them will be killed for their treason against the Horde because they agreed to the peace treaty.
Soooo When am I to expect the couple’s babies?
Well. Since this is so far the only normal type of relationship where so far none of the sides is completely insane and factions are not at each other’s throats, I would assume they might have kids pretty soon.
Lor’themar is focused on rebuilding and restoring Quel’thalas to it’s former glory. And he has been doing it steadly and methodically. Meaning the offspring will arrive when it will suit the reconstruction plans.
If I am to guess I would say he will first launch some pro-creation program for Blood Elves to work on recreating their thinned out population. And since he is the leader, example always comes from the top. And so Regent Lord and First Arcanist are about to set up the example soon hopefully.
alas op we was not invited clearly it got lost in the mail
I hope it gets interrupted by a demon invasion and everybody gets slaughtered. This is Warcraft, not The Sims! >:)
true if it was the sims it would be a good game
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