Losing aoe stun for 200k damage per second winter that makes my burst 15 seconds longer and i move 80% slower?

Factual statements

  1. Frost DK has the lowest mobility
  2. Frost DK is one of the few specs that require absolute melee up time to deal damage
  3. Frost DK currently only viable due to being able stun people into position to deal damage.
  4. Remorseless Winter deals 20-30k damage per tick currently
  5. Frost DK is the only spec exclusively countered by Disarm

With the new changes…

  1. The new PVP talent would need be 5000% increase, not increase the CD by 15 seconds and not reduce the movement speed just to compensate.
  2. Death Knight should be given disarm immunity during pillar of Frost.

with all changes they did to survival for pve reason pas to pvp and remove cc to give an talent with slow negative effect. frost will feel kinda RIP to play.
we will see if there will be some other changes to balance that gap

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