Loss of forum characters with realm transfers

Following the announcement that low population WOTLK realms will be closed, I transferred Eliria from Earthshaker who is now Azenel on Firemaw. Now she appears as a new character on the forums. Is there a way to transfer all the posts the character has made on the forums? She is still the same character.

Yes and no.

What you can do is re-create the same named toon on the original realm and then relog on the forums so you’ll essentially post on the new toon but with the old post history.

They cannot be moved with the transferred toon. Or else I and the rest of the MVP’s would’ve hogged our post history from all the way back with us and some of us have like over 40k posts eh.

Yes but what will happen when the realm is closed when Cata launches?

It may eventually disappear. That is the sad fact of it.

Toons that remain on the realm will be potentially force-moved to another realm, but the post history will still not move with them.

What is your advice about posting in the future? About toons on realms with uncertain future? We don’t know what will happen eventually with the Classic progression realms. When will the progression end and whether there will be another realm consolidation in the future.
I guess you have played WoW for many years. What toon is best to choose to post on the forums: Classic Era, hardcore or retail? Is it safer if I choose a character on a big retail realm like Silvermoon? Or are all retail realms relatively stable?
Definitely we shouldn’t post on seasonal characters because most likely they will be transferred at the end of the season and lose their forum posts.

I generally post on a bigger retail WoW server’s toon yes. So far nothing has happened to my toon’s realm yet.

The Seasonal ones will eventually end.
And the Classic progression realms may end up being closed as is the case with several Wrath to Cataclysm ones now.

Classic Era remains stable but I don’t know for how long. Despite all the bluster from the pink-glasses legion about wanting to play it ‘forever’ the population is shrinking with the coming days.

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Then how did you lose 40k history of posts as stated in your previous reply?

Some lost even more, this is not the original forums but like the 3rd or 4th iteration.

The original wow forums is suuuuper old FYI. For example, this one has the original look from how it was in 2005: https://classicwowforums.com/

And you can see snippets of it here:


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If you went the busy retail realm route, you’d only have to level a char to 10 to be eligible to post.

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That’s what I will be doing in the future, lesson learned.

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One thing to remember is that Era characters take priority over Wrath characters on the forums so for instance I had a Dottie on Era Pyrewood Village as well as this one on Wrath Pyrewood Village and when she reached 10 the Era Dottie took over from this Wrath character whenever I posted.

I actually still had the same post count. I don’t think they have fixed this yet, it only happens if they are on the same Battle.net and/or Warcraft account.

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