Lost 40k gold to buggy AH

Even my addons say i should be at 157k in my bag but only have 117k, 40k just dissapeared the mail prolly got deleted or something i don’t even understand it anymore.
Will i ever get back my items or gold?

So what happened is that after a week of waiting i finally got the mails that were delayed, but the mailbox got full, and after that i did not got the rest of the mails.
So i assume the game just deleted them.

Opened a ticket and asked?
They won’t sort that kind of issue here on the forums.

they never answear tickets no point of even trying, i tried to report botting before they just ignore me, then i come to forum and i get banned for “name and shaming” a bot that is literally not even a real human being

shaming a program…

Naming and shaming is against the forum rules and does involve a person and bots should be reported ingame.

Did you read about the problems with the AH, also did you put the item on with a low bid price?

We have a serious problem with this world when the one “naming” gets more punishment than the one commiting the crime.

Degenerate socitey with SJW culture.

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You could be wrong about the bot and not all naming and shaming is about them, I could say X player ripped me off when they didn’t and ruin their reputation.

You have no idea what will happen to that persons account, remember it’s not a bot you are reporting but a person possibly using one. Ergo, naming and shaming.

except one little problem with your theory i had clear proof recorded. They just didn’t allow links. smartass

They do not accept external proof, and how can you prove it’s a bot, you saying “it’s acting like a bot” is not proof for Blizzard. A player can do exactly the same as a bot, I’ve done things like a bot myself.

Name calling is not necessary.