Lost 7000 resonance crystals during transfer

I just tried to transfer 7 k resonance crystalks from my main to alt to buy something from rep vendor and got error message that the currency cant be currently transfered and when i checked I had neither the crysals on my main not my alt. Anyone else had this bug and how to resolve it. took me ages to farm all these crystals.

I just transferred 10,000 Resonance Crystals from my paladin to my shaman, got a weird error, and now they’re all gone. I submitted a ticket to Blizzard, but they just responded with, ‘Bad luck.’ Seriously… what??

Blizzard told me in a ticket, there is nothing to do.

Can confirm currency transfer is broken, lost 15k timewarped badges on transfer…

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oh god … that sucks!.. sorry to hear, and blizzard doesnt seem to have a plan for it right now :confused:

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