Lost gladiator title?

wow. You must be a great dragonslayer.


Yeah you have to pay them again this season. Oh, they didn’t tell you? Lol.


You only get to keep the rank 1 titles like Twitchful Gladiator etc. Normal glad titles, duelist, rival etc you only have in the season you earned it in :+1:

That’s actually impossible or a bug I’ve never heard of before.

Gladiator is only granted for one season. R1 is the only permanent title! Before BfA the glad title was granted for the whole season after, but therefor it was also only given out at the end of a season and a lot harder to get.

Impossible! The day that this guy get glad will never come! :smiley:

Atleast not from selfplay, but what ive seen players running allround with Gladiator title has been disgusting. Gladiator Dh’s both kicking into netherward the same time. I mean wtf?


ok. i think u lost ur mind now.

Do you happen to have a 2k achievement from 2014? lol

I do ,I played and enjoyed the game a lot at that time

i understand anyone that doesnt want to play that shtshow thats called pvp atm. I mean i only play with some friends that are left for fun. Even tho Affliction isnt really fun in arena, especially with this corruption bullsht. i shouldn’t had to repick my Affliction for this season… i mean im not even into pushing >.>

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