Lost progress in the game (achievements, quests, reputations)

Does anyone has this problem as well? I have a main where I did all the things from Loremaster, explorer, various other things and I noticed that even though I explored everything in the game, close to every zone is not fully explored.
Even though I did the lore master and had reps with lets say Knights of the Ebon blade, now I have no rep and quests are up again (same with thrallmar and others) for example.
Some i can do them again but in my case for Thrallmar even though im on revered i cannot gain any more rep.
It is really confusing and feels like wasted money on subs to be honest, tried a ticket to customer support and they couldnt help, the only thing that I received was the most basic copy-paste answer like “submit a bug report so it wont happen to others” Ok?!? But what about me ?

I have the same issue with certain reputations, also made a ticket about it and got the same response. Think that was 3 weeks ago. They should really look into this, just puts a sour taste in the mouth. i was almost finished with the Dark Talons rep and it was reset to neutral. My guess is that they will look into this when things calm down abit with the new expansion. But i agree it sucks

they are working on 3 expansions at the same time though, they havent fixed tormentors of torghast since SL launched (it was buggy sometimes then, now it doesnt work at all)

True they have 3 teams, they should add some to fix bugs aswell. i hope this gets a priority in the future. thats why i will keep making tickets till it gets fixed ,not much more we can do.

CS can’t help when things are bugged so they aren’t being obtuse, they have no control or power over bugs and can’t fix them. It requires a Dev and the way we let Devs know about issues is the in game bug report.

I would check out some of the discussions in CS, they also can’t fix the bugs but you can see there are others with the same issues, for example:-

Try the search facility to see if there are any on going topics about the issues affecting you.

There is also the Known Issues article

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I know CS cant fix things but cant they look what i had and just grant it back?
Dont get me wrong, I did submit a bug report but at the same time I do want my things back since I actually PAID to be able to do them (through game price and sub price).

Also i need a lvl 10 to post in the us forums (thats where the bug report is)

Did you race change or faction change? Somewhere around wotlk or mop i also lost alot of stuff because i faction changed

As far as I’m aware they have no power to do so. They are not permitted to intervene.

This and server hops.

The only thing that has remained consistent for me is titles and achievement points. I can redo all the quests and achievements that I completed many years ago on a lot of characters.

Tormentors event still bugged. No progression bar, no boss.
Same as when the prepatch launched. Have put in a lot of bugreports and tickets. Like talking to a wall… Not even a mention about it in the blueposts.

I lost map progress on this character. All past exploration gone since pre-patch hit.