
It was pretty clearly implied, that Lothraxion is an agent of Denathrius and by proxy for the Jailer, that was deliberately introduced into the Army of the Light. Lothraxion is a good friend to Turalyon, who now leads the Alliance forces. After Shadowlands, the player character should be aware that the Nathrezim, including him, are mixed up with Death. So if he were to do something useful in his current position, he should probably do it now. So, will he…

A) …do something on Azeroth while we are away, helping Denathrius’ cause somehow?
B) …be pushed out without doing anything of relevance and just become some shiny Dreadlord in future content?
C) …stay a hidden agent, when by all rights he should have been demasked when we come back?
D) …not be remembered by the devs at all?
E) …do something else?

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If we are to touch on him any time soon, I’m sort of expecting a Wormtongue role with Turalyon playing the fool.
Some sort of “Let’s kill em all in the name of the Light”.

Would he though? Is it canon that now we are to grow suspicious of every dreadlord?
And most importantly, would it be realistic for those that believe in him the most (Army of the Light) to change their judgement regarding him even if some tried to reason with them to do such?

It’s canon that we have every reason to be.

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So not really canon then at all… Just because we know the Dreadlords sent forces or tried to send forces in to spy on the primal forces of the universe does’nt neccesarily mean they succeeded or were’nt turned themselves in the process.

I’ll wait till we at least some inkling from Lothraxian that he’s playing a double game. Also enough with people’s obssesion with Turalyon and the army of the light going Lux Vult on the Horde. Let’s not destroy Alliance leaders character developments over decades just to create stupid conflict or make the other side feel better.

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That’s why C) is listed as an option. It’s really stupid, considering what the player character knows and finds, but it’s quite possible.


I can see where Wimbert is going with it, and it makes sense for the player character to get some demasking when it should be done. By the least, it could be a reason to support Turalyon going el loco if anything.

Omission is okay to some degree, but complete ignorance of the ramifications even something such as suspicion around a race the player character has seen to have been literally spelled out to him/her/it as quite-intentionally-made-for-creeping-around-and-scheming is just going to be levels of awful story writing.

Reminiscent of doing stuff for helping Zul despite the player character having literally been there for every expansion and patch that the prophet troublemaker was stirring it. Heck, even Vol’jin shouted that it was him all along…

No, that’s the Horde’s job! Except we don’t make any other side feel better, just even worse!

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oh, like they destroyed Horde leaders character development over decades just to create stupid conflict and make the alliance feel better?^^

I’m on wimberts side here. It would make sense for Lothraxion to secretly work for Denathrius. And If i wanted to infiltrate the Light thats exactly how i would go for it, let them “redeem” me from my wicked path as a Demon, to become trusted…
And sowing Chaos by whispering about the will of the Light in the ears of someone so convinced of his Rightness that he’s fine and even supports Void-torture if it serves his goals.

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But it would suit Turalyon to do so. He only knew the “bad” Horde before he left with Army of the Light. Than after he came back what does the “new and better” Horde do? Starts a war and burns down a capital city with people stuck in it.
Also he spend more time with the Army of the Light than in service to the Alliance. So can we be sure where his loyalties are?
For all we know he might have already summoned AotL to fight of the undead hordes (light is super effective against them afterall). Would he or them stop after the Scourge is beaten? It was Sylvanas, a Horde ex leader who started this mess. Why not for the sake of old grievances hold them accountable?

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Completely agree, he has not had the development that makes Anduin or Jaina hesitant to go all out against the Horde. For him it’s only been bad experiences with Orcs etc.
To be Honest i think there is no reason for him NOT to attack the Horde.

Good opportunity for the Alliance to get the spine they wanted after all.

Maybe this time around the Horde can have better controversies to talk about rather than beating on the dead horse that is Taurajo and Baine’s super duper effective shilling skills.

or Lothraxion becomes Turalyon at some point, some kind of switch, what could make sence also.

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