Lots of unconventional bugs and broken mechanics of demonology

Be sure to grab a cup of tea, cookies and let’s get started.

  1. Your melee attacks can proc your enchantments and trinkets.
  2. Your wand attacks can’t proc your enchantments and trinkets.
  3. Your melee atatck can’t force your imps to attack your target.
  4. Your wand attacks can force your imps to attack your target.
  5. Non of your demons could directly proc your enchants, trinkets and essence effects.
  6. None of your “non main demons” has Avoidance effect.
  7. None of your demons could benefit from “speed” stat.
  8. Your tooltip won’t change damage numbers of your pet spells in combat, from mastery increase effects on your char.
  9. Your Vilefiend is actually requires you to cast some harmful spell on the enemy in order to initiate attack.
  10. Your Grimoire: Felguard has 40yd cast range, while Felguard’s Axe toss only has 30yd range - Be careful with that my warlock friend.
  11. Some demons from Nether portal talent, sometimes doesn’t benefit from your haste, while same demons from Inner demons always benefit from your haste.
  12. Your haste doesn’t affect passive summon timer of Inner demons talent.
  13. While Pleasure through Pain affects your shadow and shadowflame damage, it doesn’t increases damage from Umbral Blaze, or your pet Dreadstalker’s shadow damage like Dreadbite ability. While Unholy DK Mastery: Dreadblade has same text based explanation but it actualy increases damage of your pet’s shadow spells like Ghoul’s claw damage under Dark Transformation effect, Shadow bolts from Magus of the Dead Azerite trait and Gargolye’s Gargoyle Strike ability even is Gargoyle Strike is plague spell and not shadow.

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