Love is in the Air and X-45 Heartbreaker

Hello guys, hello Blizzard.

First of all, I love the game. I’m 32 years old and have been playing World of Warcraft since I was 13. The game has been with me longer than my girlfriend, my friends from school and university, my friends from sport and my other hobbies. I play the game to relax, I like to fight in dungeons and raids and against other players and I like to collect mounts.

And that’s what brings me here. Just like so many others. There is a mount with the name X-45 Heartbreaker. The mount drops in an event dungeon in Shadowfang keep. The event boss is called apothecary Hummel. The boss can be fought and looted 15 days a year, and with any character over level 60, as it was called in 2024. Since 2023 there is even a “special box” with the first kill of the day, from this box there is a particularly high chance to loot the special mount with the name X-45 Heartbreaker. All subsequent chances during the day can contain the mount at a lower chance. The last change came in 2025, now the boss can be defeated and looted by any character above level 10, for the good loot.

The years before it was different. The required level of a character was different from year to year in order to be able to fight the event boss and to be able to loot it.

In one year I killed the boss 15 times, in another 500 times. Today I’ve reached over 4000 kills. And I’m not alone. Many of my fellow players have also fought and looted the boss countless times. And we all have something in common: we don’t have the mount.

Occasionally, there are players who are and have been very lucky to loot the mount. You’re welcome for it.

Over the years, the community, which loves the game as much as I do, has raised voices, wishes and complaints about this one mount.

You have responded to the community over the years:

Feb. 16, 2022, 2:11 a.m. :

,Yep, this isn’t fun. I’ve done the event a dozen times a day on my characters before in previous years and probably would be doing it again this year if I didn’t have other real-life stuff going on.

Right now, if you want to maximize your chance of getting the mount, it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.

We hear this frustration and the good news is that we’re discussing this issue amongst the team and evaluating possible solutions for holiday events in general. The bad news is that even if we do end up making changes, they wouldn’t be in time for this year’s Love Is In the Air holiday event.‘‘

Feb. 3, 2023, 8:30 p.m. :

, The Love is in the Air world event is right around the corner, and we’re sharing the love this holiday season.

We’ve heard your feedback on the frustrations with X-45 Heartbreaker’s low drop rate and feeling the pressure of having to farm the mount by cycling through as many alts as possible every day. From now on, the first Heart-Shaped Box you receive each day across your account will have a greatly increased chance to contain the X-45 Heartbreaker mount.

Any subsequent Heart-Shaped Boxes you earn on your characters after the first each day will drop the mount at the previous, original rate.

Love is in the Air begins on February 6 at 10:00 a.m. PST in all regions. So spritz on your favorite perfume and head to the Shadowfang Keep event dungeon to defeat Apothecary Hummel for your chance at the fantastic flying fuschia fuselage you’ve fancied far too fervently for what seems like forever.

Good luck adventurers!‘‘

June 21, 2024 :


We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.‘‘

Feb. 5, 2025, 11.58 p.m. :

,Hello. We recognize that we’ve made some changes to holiday reward drops over the last couple of years, and we can see that a bit of clarification is called for here.

For Love is in the Air 2025:

Legacy drops, such as the X-45 Heartbreaker, have a much higher chance to drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide). There is a very small chance to receive legacy drops on subsequent attempts made the same day, for players who enjoy running the content on multiple characters.
New drops, such as the Love Witch’s Sweeper, can only drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide), and will see an increasing chance to drop with each new day that a first attempt is completed.
Good luck out there. Don’t stand in the Crown Chemical Company’s chemicals!‘‘

You have communicated and I thank you for that. However, I must honestly admit that I am disappointed with the way you have communicated. Because it seems to me that we are going round in circles. In 2022, you clearly communicated that it’s not fun to have to kill the boss, who is available 15 days a year, countless times. That’s not fun. I love collecting mounts, but knowing that the chances are limited, the chances are so dwindling, that’s not fun. You knew that in 2022.

In 2023, you gave us a lucky first attempt at the Battlenet account. For all further attempts, the old chance should remain. A good thing in itself, but somehow the “lucky first try” doesn’t go down well with most players.

Joy then came in 2024 when it was finally said:


We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however.

The joy quickly faded, however, as we learned in 2025 that this does not affect the so-called legacy loot. You classified the X45 Heartbreaker as a legacy loot for the first time, but I don’t really understand that.

Today we are back before 2022. Many people run into the dungeon in countless attempts, hoping to get lucky with their lvl 10 Alts. We don’t enjoy it at all. It’s torture. The community is looking for solutions. To have a better chance with the first attempt, players run with 5 starter accounts into the dungeon at the same time and kill the boss alone. This is 2025, do you really want that? That can’t be the right way, because the game stands for togetherness.

Furthermore, I can’t understand why we get bad luck protection for a new mount, but not for an old 17-year-old mount.

For years, we couldn’t loot the mount. And there are players who think like me. I read it every day in forum, US Forum, Discord, on Reddit and on Wowhead.

I would like you to reconsider the drop chance of this mount. Solutions here could be to sell the mount for 5000 lovetokens or more through an npc. You would still have to kill the event boss many times for this number of Lovetokens, but you would know that the mount is safe after 1000 attempts, because we now have the warband and you can send lovetokens to your Main Charakter. Another solution would be to introduce bad luck protection here as well, or to not limit the lucky first attempt to one attempt for the entire Battlenet account. Do it like the headless horseman, but please reconsider, for the love of your community and their time.

I’m aware that you don’t need every single mount in the game. Nevertheless, this mount is no fun. You have changed the world boss mounts drops and their probability in Pandaria and Draenor over time. You can still do that here, for your community and their time.

Make the event what it really should be. Bring love into the game. True to the motto: Love is in the air.

Thank you for World of Warcraft!

PS: Maybe someone can help me/us and share this in the US forum as we are more likely to be heard there.

Thank you.


As someone who has been farming the love rocket for years, spread across countless characters, and still don’t have it… I feel you.

This must be the worst implementation of a so-called ‘bad luck protection’ I have ever seen, and it’s clear that the people responsible for it are more out of touch with their community than Hall & Oates were out of time.

Collectors are the ones who play the game even when everyone else already left until the next patch hits, and yet they are the ones who are being abused the most.

I don’t mind running 70-80 alts a week through a raid in hopes of getting a 1% dropchance mount, because I know that eventually it will drop, but at least it’s not time-gated, and if I don’t do it for 2 weeks, I will have to wait another year for it. This is absurd, and most importantly disrespectful.

I am a person with over 1.000 mounts, so as you can imagine, these two Love is in the air mounts are among the few obtainable mounts I’m still missing. Every time there is a mount worth collecting, I learn how to play the aspect of the game which is tied to it in order to obtain said mount. In BfA I learned how to play the AH to get the brutosaur mount in the last few months of the expansion, when in the beginning I’ve only had like 200k. I dipped my toes into PvP (a game mode that I despised, but eventually learned to appreciate more) to get vicious saddles, etc.

For people who say that ‘this is just another number’, or ‘these are just pixels’… they are right, but aren’t raid bosses also just numbers? Isn’t gearing up just acquiring different shades of pixels? As is for many others, this is the type of activity that drives me to log in to this game (apart from new patches), and that’s why it feels like a punch in the nuts every time Blizzard decides to disrespect this part of the community with horrible moves like the above mentioned ‘bad luck protection’.

It goes without saying that although I have been doing daily runs ever since the event started, with trying to optimize the number of attempts as much as possible (+ the countless attempts accumulated throughout the years), and yet I don’t have any of the Love is in the air mounts.

The lesson what I’ve learned throughout the years is that blizzard only listens to feedback that comes straight from the wallet, so if they are fine with this type of approach to time-gated drops, I’m also fine with dropping my sub after years of uninterrupted renewals.

This is by no means a butthurt post, I just wanted to share a collector’s point of view with all the people who don’t understand us.

Oh, and no… you may not get my gold after I unsub.

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So… a TL:DR from all this wall of text is… You got unlucky RNG regarding the Heartbreaker mount?

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I got the mount last year, and that’s from someone playing since closed beta…
Sometimes…RNG is just RNG, and yes it absolutely sucks when everyone around you is getting it, and it refuses to drop for you.

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I don’t even see myself riding this mount anyways, and if you got it somehow by insane luck, consider your luck worthy of lottery winning. I don’t even have hopes for this mount, because once again it is like winning lottery at this point. Maybe it is called Heartbreaker for a reason, so you don’t need to worry about it or it break your heart.
P.S: Imagine you have 10000 numbers to roll from and only single one is lucky, let’s say 7294. You are not getting that number in ages, because of how many other numbers are to land on, so similarly don’t even hope for this mount to drop. And also it is probably doesn’t matter how many attempts you did, someone can get it literally first try ever on their account, while others were spending almost 20 years on and off grinding every day the event was on all of possible number of alts without any luck

1145 mounts here, and I totally agree and I feel you …

Around 3000+ try, Farming this mount for years, doing 195 try per day with 65 characters on each of my 3 accounts and still not drop this rocket …

Blizzard you have to add a sort of buff, that is not normal to have to do this kind of things to get a mount.

Please add a buff following the number of try already done to increase the chance to drop it. Especially for this kind of 2 weeks event. That is pretty insane to have to wait another 54 weeks to get another chance …

Thank you.

No, I got used to bad RNG (currently sitting at approximately 30k casts on the Great Sea Ray). I don’t mind grinds, I don’t mind low drop chances. HOWEVER I do mind extremely low drop chances on a yearly event that lasts for 2 weeks.

They upped it by 1000% though! From 0.03% to 0.3%!


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The biggest issue with the rocket and it’s low drop rate is it’s short availability.

Although it took me years I got mine during SL when the mass farm method was still the standard, no increased luck for first attempt. I think they’ve made some nice improvments over the years but clearly the baseline drop rate could do with a buff.

I enjoy collecting and there are some mounts that are supposedly higher drops that take me years to go. Just today I got the Mount from the Nine. It’s not meant to have a terrible drop rate but I’m cursed.

I don’t bother with addons that tell me how many times it’s taken me before I get a mount, I find that kind of data depressing and off putting. So I far rather just use things like Data For Azeroth and Simple Armory.

I love being able to use select random mount (I just have no favourites set).

oof. i had some mad luck with the love rocket, i just got it the moment the event went live this time.

and whats worst, i haven’t even done this every day when the event has been live for all this years this is as random as random can get

1000%, huge

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Hello my dear fellow, I feel you so badly.

I have been farming it since 2010 and have over 5000 attempts.
Still no damn mount… it’s so damn frustrating.
I want to scream, I want to cry. I’m so mad because it won’t drop again this year after spending hours a day farming it… over and over and over again.
I know many others who did get it after a few tries or on the first try.
Thanks Blizzard for this bad RNG? sigh

But hey… now there are 2 mounts that can frustrate us every year <3

Btw I love this game too. I am just exhausted after this torture. Love Rocket broke my heart :wink:

a sad Goblin :frowning:

The new system should indeed give a guaranteed drop if you do the event once every day for the entire event.

I’m even surprised this isn’t the case. I never bothered to farm that mount before. This year seeing that it had an increased chance to drop I decided to try it once per day and got both mounts (the new and the old) in the first week - day 5 or 6.

I suppose a large number of the accounts now have it with this new drop rate so they might as well make it guaranteed if you’ve had 15 or more attempts.

It’s not even that nice of a mount outside of it being rare until last year. I have 340ish mounts in total so more than enough and this one I’m quite unlikely to ride much.

“first world” problems !

P.S. I got it 2 years ago on my first attempt and never ever use it !

Singing: What’s antoher year?