Hi everyone,
As tittle says, does every character have a chance to drop a mounts, or its just first, or all other after first one have lower chance, can we have some confirmation on that, as everyone is saying diffrently and blizzard them self do not confirm anything.
Ive made a ticket, but still not replied, support is kind of lazy.
The way I read the tooltip of the box, I concluded the mounts can only drop from the first box. But I understand the question, they’ve changed it a few times now. I hope they’ll clear it up soon, just so people can be sure what the situation is exactly.
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First drop of the day has the highest chance, and all subsequent ones at a fixed reduced rate.
Blizz doesn’t publish thrir numbers, and it’s hard to track on WoWhead because they all come from the same box so it can’t differentiate between first attempts and later attempts, but you csn still look at the later attempts drop rates.
The new mount for Love is in the Air supposedly has the same drop rate as the carpet one in Noblegarden, which has a reasonable drop rate.
This is painful.
Before, if I killed the same boss with all 41 alts, at least I knew there was a chance of seeing the mount. Now there’s no way for sure. People reporting that the GMs don’t know either.
Just some clarification would be nice. And also this remains the worst possible “solution” they could have come up with, it’s been three years and it’s still garbage.
Yes, but these posts were from before the description was rewritten to now say
“Contains Love Tokens with a chance of other prizes. The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.”
Thus the confusion.
Can you link me that quote, then I can investigate further and try to find a helpful response.
That quote is in the game itself.
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Ok thanks will see if I can find anything
Alright, so it means mount drops only on 1 character
Unfortunately I may have bad news
I saw that already on facebook people are posting it, however they said that gamemaster in that case wasnt specific, while to me it is all said, but i hoped they are right.
But after you showed photo of heart box thingy there it was clearly said, so i understood everything i needed
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So, again, this is part of the reason for the confusion, because as I said before, even the GMs don’t know. There are two GM responses going around. You shared the first one. Here’s the other one:
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If I find any further clarification I’ll post it in here. But at present it’s looking like once a day.
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Yeaa i thought so, but people are wanting it so bad that they are making up stories, and those missinformations do not help us.
You won’t find clarification because they haven’t provided it. People aren’t confused because they haven’t looked for clarification. People are confused because the community as a whole has been given confusing information that has not been clarified.
We need an updated blue post.
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Here’s another GM response basically saying “we don’t know either”
That does make it very confusing.
We really need a blue post or a tweet to clarify.
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I mean such things are unproffesional from Blizzard Entertainment staff.
They are basically ignoring community, for the money company is making on us, we are not provided with quality support that we should be getting.
Neither its okay that we wait so long on their replies, nor that they are missinformed, or that they dont have such info.
Aswell there is a guy who have bug with honor level that lost 400+ honor level, and still after 7 months they didnt resolve his issue, like wtf?
How is something like that even acepptable?! He’s not streamer, so who cares???
We should open our mouth and stick for everyone, as obviously small people do not even matter, as long as streamers are satisfied.
Their ignorance is not ok, and shouldnt be tolerated any longer.
For the same reason we recieve alot of misinformation from community members who 'thinks" which is fine, but its still not official.
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I don’t expect this to get any traction because I’m an absolute nobody on twitter but I have done my best!
However any likes, retweets etc are appreciated.