So which article would you want to read first … which would you ignore (please keep within the posting rules)?
Personally I’d read Tyrande and Malfurion as I do like a good ‘happy ever after’ (until the next disaster befalls them)
Wouldn’t even use this magazine to temporarily fix a wobbly table.
what is this
why its all pink?
its very childish
I more or less agree with Heist. Though I would use it for heating if I had a fireplace.
Id just take out that Anduin poster and look at that!
I would read Keeping up with the Windrunners first,then Malfurion and Tyrande and lastly ofc new bad girl Xal’atath.Can’t stop at one.
I would completly ignore Faerin’s story.
Well, first things first, I’d have to hide it inside the middle of ‘Worgen Alpha Fitness’ or ‘The Dragon Racing Post’ as it looks a lot like the 1980’s magazine ‘Jackie’ and the other Worgen lads might try to beat me up, but I’d be reading about Xal’atath (big Babylon 5 fan) and skipping Anduin (he’s wetter than an otter’s pocket).
It looks like those teen tabloids that cover celebrities.
It’s a joke.
It mimics all the teenage magazines but giving it a wow twist.
UH i understand now
Faerin then Xal’atath then probably skip the rest
Keeping up with the Windrunners would be my go to!
psst don’t shoot the messenger but
the boys are out looking for you and they look mad.
Well, as I would head out to the office I would look what Sylvanas have been up to these days and then have glance at Tyrande, I dont care about the rest so I guess that would count as ignoring the rest, would skip those and go straight to the cheese
My man, men of culture we meet again.
So I guess you agree on top picks then, so I ll still fist bump ,even though I am not a man.
I am really curious too on what Sylvy was up to lately.
Thrall tells it all .now that looks interesting magazine
Its an expression
World of white gurl gossip-craft.
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