Loving Affliction

I love when rogues come jump me, and it just be “LOL BRUV, NOOOOOOOOOO”

Dark Pact, come out stun and wait to see if they panic blind, if not casting circle and stack dots, but not burst, wait for cloak/vanish whatever. On their next go they have to deal with full dots and unending resolve, and my inevitable demise would have clocked up enough stacks to heal full LOL. Still got healthstone and mortal coil.


Also, that DP shield is absolute retardation. Almost 100k on my lock. The joke is, it shows how busted damage is, because it goes pretty damn fast.

The limited warlock forum community are about to go full on whine and whinge.

I’m going to grab some popcorn…

Maybe they will, but I personally think Affliction is a great spec. Not uber OP or anything, but is very good.

I know it’s a good PVP spec. Some of the people that frequent these forums don’t.

Absolutely love the thing. Done 1 v 6 in a BG, didn’t win, but didn’t die for over a minute lol. Don’t think I could accmplish that on any other damaging spec.

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