Loving the PVP damage reduction - Healer perspective

world pvp dead again like retail, wotlk, like the entire game tbh. Last enjoyable part of the game now is bad

i can guarantee u have 0 brain cells because u have a heal in ur kit and u can heal for double the dmg i do to u while i die to ur dots go get a brain scan ffs why is every classic andy so fki dumb!!!

So why would you need a trap to throw it correctly, put talents in it, proc it and… what? Any good warriors already had a big chance to kill a hunter if he focus him, now there’s no point in this traps because you can just stay in it like a bot and still survive, wait for all your CD went back from a coffee break and watch youtube in a same time.

It’s like a complain you can’t see a big white hockey field on a ground to avoid it and being trapped and this is somehow should be nerfed.

Dear Blizzard, I wonder why not 75% dmg reduction… or more?
Or why don’t you just shutdown your servers?

After some testing it’s actually alright for hunters because we have infinite mana with viper.
On the other hand pets get neither the health buff or the DR and still die in 2 globals…

The change would make so much more sense if there wasnt just Warrior with Mortal Strike or to a infinitely lesser degree rogue or the troll priest curse.
If there were more classes/specs that had a way to put that affect on their targets at the cost of resource and various global cooldowns, it wouldnt feels as broken as it does now.


As a MM Hunter main I love having to actually use Viper Sting/Frost Trap on Healers again. It felt completely braindead before.

I agree but with a good healer my FC druids are close to unkillable. Vs a moderately skilled grp a good FC can kite around people for hours.

Overall a welcome change but they could scale it back a little and simply nerf SP , shaman and Hunter burst on top

What you demand is why retail is today retail. Every class can do everything in diffeernt ways. I’m sure you don’t want this.

Last today untill its gone.
I think damage reduce would be fine with 10-25% or just damage reduce on crits.