I’m looking for easy low action per minute class with few skill buttons.
My left arm is not fully operational so I can only use 12 razer naga keybinds + maybe shift modifier
frost dk - assa rogue
caster - maybe frost mage or destro warlock
Arcane mage would probably suit your needs
Have you considered using a controller? Might work for you.
And yeah most of the classe suggested are nice except Arcane Mage. That’s both frantic and requires a very precise setup and has a lot of binds compared to frost and especially fire.
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Ok, ok, I only suggested arcane since its rotation seems quite easy, sorry.
People suggesting mage haven’t played it for at least the last 5 years.
I suggest playing any healer. You basically support the group, and you have to know, what you are doing, but it doesn’t require you to spam buttons. It’s difficult in terms of it requiring knowledge of what you have to do, but it’s not mechanically hard. Stay away from specs like any Mage specs (Even Frost, because it has alot of procs, so you have to use abilities fast), any Rogue spec, Windwalker Monk, Frost DK, any Warrior spec and Havoc Demon Hunter. They require you to spam your buttons fast, so they’re not recommended. I may have left some out, that are also not recommended. I suggest checking rotations in wowhead to see what seems to be slow with few procs, and no periodic timer that you have to follow, so your rotation works out.
Not sure why people recommend specs, when they have no clue about their rotation
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Look up its rotation on wowhead. You have to follow a periodic Rotation, where your cooldowns have to perfectly line up. It’s not that it requires high apm, but you you have to be really precise, and I’d not recommend something to someone with hand problems, that is completely useless, if you mess up a little, and ruin your cooldown orders. In Dragonflight alot of abilities will also become instant cast, so it’s only gonna get more difficult for OP. I paused for example playing arcane, because of how stressful it is in a dungeon to make sure, that your cooldowns line up together.
As said: If you have no clue about something, don’t recommend it to someone. I would also not recommend unholy dk for similar reasons. Dps specs in general are very mechanical, and value awareness less, so it’s better to choose a healer or an easy tank in OPs position
What style of playing, or mix of content, are you expecting to do, mainly? And to what level?
Mythic-Plus, Raids, PvP (Arena), PvP(BGs), World Content?
APM alone may not be the deciding factor. Movement and priorities may help people suggest options that better fit you.
Ive always found BM hunter to be quite stress free. Not too many active abilities and the tanky pet takes the pressure off you abit.
While arcane mage may have low apm there is the matter of “community perception” that they have to struggle with. Meaning that you might find it hard to join groups as arcane mage unless you host them yourself.
Thank you all for replies. I’m currently testing all suggested classes at 50lvl trial and looks like lock, resto sham, holy priest and maybe arcane mage are kinda slow paced classes. I just wanna do low m+ keys and lfr/normal raids. Do ranged classes still needs less movement nowadays in pve content?
I think Resto Shaman will provide you with the best experience in your situation.
I don’t like recommending you dps, because of Damage addons. I don’t know how bad the condition of your hands is, and people can be toxic, if you do the same damage as tank or lower. For low M+ you just have to do your utility, heal the group during specific mechanics, and you will be fine. Also: if you decide to go to a higher key, Resto shamans have a very chill dps rotation aswell. Just make sure you know the mechanics of the dungeons, and make sure you know when to use which utility spell, and you will have a good time I think. You mainly will have to worry about things like interrupting, and not about spamming your rotation like a dps spec would.
(It’s also a Bloodlust class which will make you desired for m+ dungeons with everyone playing evoker)
It’s low APM, many buttons. What we want is low buttons so she doesn’t need to use the shift button on the keyboard very often. She says she wants low APM first and foremost but I think she’s misrepresenting herself a little - unless of course that’s simply a gameplay preference.
I do think what Jvckx said is the best advice so far.
Fury warrior 3 button spam
Isn’t fury a quite high apm class?
Yes but it’s spamming 3 buttons, no need a lot of keybinds. From somewhere that dam should come, spam buttons or long cast times
APM ranking does not solve OP’s problem. Specs listed at the bottom have very precise, gcd-intensive burst windows (feral, demo, arcane) or have a lot of buttons in general (affli) which might be hard for OP.