Low DPS as feral?

(reposted with correct char)

Do feral seem to have low dps compared to all other classes atm? I barely make above tank damage and I understand the mechanics of the class, it just seems weak and overly complicated to do for a weak pay off. Having my bleeds on the target, biting, maximising via the snapshot with tigers fury, bloodtalons etc.

I dont even come close to, say, Havoc DH or demo lock in dps and this is comparing similar iLvLs.

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At the end of a game on feral v guardian, I generally end up having done substantially more damage as guardian than playing feral simply by being able to stay alive for a lot longer.

Other classes can manage to dish out quite a lot of damage while being able to take a lot, whereas by the time you’ve managed to get any damage going with feral you’ve already taken serious damage that puts you on the backfoot and into bearform, which gives your opponent little to worry about and they can still do some serious damage while you’re in bearform anyway.

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At the level of keys you’re doing, you won’t do much damage because dps specs that do a lot of upfront damage will have already killed the trash before you’ve got all your bleeds out. You need to be in keys +20 and up to start noticing your damage.

Your secondary stat distribution is also bad for feral. If you’re going to play it into season 4, start looking for gear with a lot of mastery on it. Your secondary prio should be something like mastery > crit > haste > vers.

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Fair enough, I had a lot of trouble this season too. Once I reached 5K mastery, 3k crit and doing keys above 16, I started to see my dps take off

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