Low dps in dungeons

FPS drops a lot
In the open world 120-140 fps
But when I enter a dungeon or a new location with portals, fps drops to 30-40, and if I overload the game, it rises to 140. And if I move to the city and enter the dungeon again, it drops again to 30-40 fps.
I’ve already tried different drivers and disabled addons, it didn’t help. This happened just yesterday, I didn’t notice this before.
Ryzen 2600
RX 570

I noticed the same problem on the US forum

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You need to cancel that stupid seasonal event quest thats going on. for some reason it kills instanced fps.


Thank you so much man I was going insane I even did a clean game install. This seem to be the problem. I remember the same thing happened with a quest in revendreth lol

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Bruh… If I could I would kiss you. Of all things I didnt think this would be the reason. I was going nuts trying to figure out the problem.

Edit : So after trying it out it seems like there is something up with the quest log. I still got some fps problems but less after deleting those quests then I cleared out my quest log fully and fps went up even more. Will update if something changes.

haha np, but i only reposted it. read it in the german forum :smiley: i wouldnt think of something that stupid either

Thank you very much! blizzard should pay you a salary, otherwise technical support is silent…

Whats the name of the quest?

I don’t remember the name, but from the Zaralek caven

Spent the entire day looking, didn’t expect it to be some stupid quest. The quest is named “Sharing a Bountiful Feast” btw


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