Low FPS after Pre-Patch

After the pre-patch I have around 25-40fps in Valdrakken and almost the same in the outdoor world. I know Valdrakken is a crowded area but I’ve almost lost half my fps.

Before the pre-patch I had around 70+ fps at least in Valdrakken and 100+ fps in the outdoor world.

I have not changed any graphical settings before or after pre-patch. I’ve tried with and without addons to no avail.
My drivers/windows are updated as usual and I haven’t noticed any decrease in fps in other games other than wow.

I have a Nvidia 3080 Ti and an AMD Ryzen 9, 12 core, 32gb DDR4 RAM and wow installed on an Nvme m.2 SSD 1TB.

Any ideas`?


Same, I’m on 4080/7800x3d/32gb of 6000mhz ram and the game is running noticeably worse after the prepatch. In Valdrakken I’m dropping to 60s which used to be at least high 80s previously (also awful considering the hardware), and the game is even more of a stutter-fest compared to previously.


I logged in and all my settings are gone, everything I have to redo, video, UI ect. I just logged out, anyway nothing to do,yet.


Another example as to why Blizzard no longer has a proper QA department xD

It’s what happens when they start to outsource all their proper work to 3rd world countries to save money.


Same here, had around 60/70 valdraken and 100s in world before patch. Now 20/25 valdraken and around 30/40 in world.
I’ve disabled all add-ons, moved graphics options around in many attempts and nothing. Is always like this even with low options.
Its very bad playing like this.

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After all, Microsoft bought them…

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I’ve seen a lot of people complaining of the same thing, I’m guessing it’s an Nvidia issue, I have a Radeon and everything is completely normal.

Maybe check for Updated drivers as soon as they’re available

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Using a 3060ti here, I’ve not had the issues, Valdrakken is lower than usual but I’m seeing more people than usual there so it makes sense.

Another weird thing, on the Honor vendors when I buy a gear and try to put it on my character without losing the NPC window I get a screen freeze for 5-10 seconds.

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That actually is weird, considering it’s a X3D CPU.

Probably really has something to do with nVidia, as Succubus mentioned.

I have an 5800X3D and 6800XT and with everythng maxed out @1440p 8xMSAA (including max raytracing, but disabling this doesn’t result in fps gain in Valdrakken anyway) I have roughly 50-60 FPS in crowded Valdrakken with dips to 45-47ish depending on movement and same settings 1440p 150% renderscale (aka 4K) no MSAA I have lowest 35 in crowded Valdrakken.

Could be an addon. If it’s not updated it might be erroring out.

Happened to me as well, FPS went down to around 35. Noticed that my PC was using more memory then before. Increasing the virtual memory boosted FPS to 90ish.

Minimum virtual memory = RAM size x 1.5
Maximum Virtual memory = RAM size x 2

Be careful as you might be setting it up to more than you would actually need, thus slowing the device performance.

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For one, there are a lot more people in Valdrakken, so the game needs to render more stuff.

For two, many addons are either not updated, or they are still causing a lot of errors, which means they can use more CPU than expected and therefore be another source of slowdown.

For three, some graphical settings were changed. The game didn’t remember all my settings when it updated to 11.0, and I had to manually set some of the back.

And finally, it is possible that there is some lack of optimization.

Same here. I have older system, but I got 50-80 fps in Dragonflight on medium settings even in crowded areas or raids, but after the update i get 15-30fps at most on lowest settings. I played on Mac so I thought this might be a Mac OS issue, so I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 with a fresh copy of WoW, but it didn’t help at all.

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That checks out then if you’re dropping to 40 with a 5800x3d and im also having drops to high 60s with a 7800x3d, it’s a somewhat accurate difference between those chips.

Still, it is horrible performance for these CPUs and it was performing better before the prepatch, at least for me.

Even if it affects Nvidia cards somehow, tho it can’t since this is all CPU-adjecent, it is a Blizzard problem to fix since they put out the patch. Nvidia won’t make any changes in their drivers at least until TWW comes out.

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No no, wait :sweat_smile:
I have 50-60 FPS in crowded Valdrakken @1440p with every graphic setting maxed out inlcuding raytracing. I was around 50-60ish with these setting prior prepatch when I upgraded my 5800X to X3D, as with the 5800X non 3D I dropped to 25-40ish depending where I’m standing in Valdrakken. So it didn’t really change for me after pre patch.
At 4k I have 40ish, not at nativ 1440p. And with a 6800XT that is also quite accurate @4k.

In the open world my FPS didn’t drop after prepatch either. With max raytracing @1440p I get somewhere between 60-100 FPS depending where in DF I am,and with disabled raytracing I am somewhere between 70-130 FPS @1440p depending where I am, mostly somewhere between 80-100 FPS.
At 4k these numbers get crushed down to 60-100ish, with max raytracing 50-80, mostly 50-70.
Just tested it all ingame.
These numbers are basically the same to prior pre patch, if I don’t have mandela effect.
I don’t remeber prior pre patch locking at above 100FPS everywhere (except Valdrakken) @1400p 8x MSAA no raytracing.
Thanks, now you got me confused :face_with_spiral_eyes:

But yes, whatever it is what is causing people to drop, it most likely is on blizzards side, even if it only affects team green.

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