I have the below spec PC but I am getting 20-30 FPS in the World of Warcraft TWW Raid, makes it unplayable. My impression is that this spec of a PC should not be getting this low fps especially using a x3D CPU.
MSP X570 Gaming Plus
RTX 3080
32 GB 3200 Mhz RAM
MSI 1980X1080 gaming monitor
2 x NVME hard drives
I have checked the below:
Fresh install Windows 11
Turned on XMP in BIOS - confirmed 3200 Mhz
Quazii suggested settings
Checked high CPU usage addons - Elvui/Weak Aura - Turned Elvui off and maybe 10 FPS improvement
Ultra performance power management
Cipset/GPU drivers up to date
Latest non-Beta BIO
Leave renderscale at 100%, it is bugged and will kill your FPS if you go lower or higher.
Been like that for 6+ months, still not fixed.
Well 10 FPS is alot if you are dropping to 20-30s.
My FPS with a 5800X3D are 60-70 avg in a 20man grp and 40-50ish in a 30man, depending on the boss ofc, some higher.
The big trash pulls are the worst but that doesn’t matter much in the end.
Make sure your WAs are updated and disable everything you don’t need.
RTX 3090
Intel(R) Core™ i9-10980XE CPU @3.00GHz
65g ram
playing on 3440x1440 144Hz
i did everything you did and more, reinstalled windows today and have a little hope, i have been playing around with all settings even removing every addon and putting everything to making the game look like minecraft and still i have drops to 15 fps in raids with 30 people were everyone is pumping cooldowns etc i can barely move or stutter move…
epic bg’s are a complete mess for me. thankfully i dont play them.
in the city i have around 40-50 fps and outside of the city 120-140 fps.
i looked everywere, asked reddit , wow forums ,friends, IT guild members, but nothing in the end works, i have seen people play with 60fps+ on worse setups then mine. every other game run perfectly. 4k settings, 140fps etc. but for some reason its wow that is just crippling in every form possible.
everything is fully up to date, the temps are all on a good level. but again its really just wow and i have no idea why. i left my guild because i cannot raid this way and i will just focus on M+ and pvp arena wich are easily doable with high fps. hope i find a solution one day because buying new parts for my pc is optional but i rather not spend money on parts if the game is just lacking completely.
Like i already said in another thread, there is nothing you can do to make the game run smooth with that CPU.
I understand it might be hard to believe since newer games with multithreaded engines run fine for you, but WoW’s engine is over 20 years at it’s core and designed for singlethreading.
I get the point he is trying to make, but that thumbnail is clickbait times 100
There is nothing you can do, even playing with zero addons, that will give you 120 FPS in a current 20man, let alone a 30man raid.
Even on a 7800X3D your FPS will drop comparably low on some bosses and trash in Nerub-Ar Palace.
I’m in another 30m HC raid right now (5min break) and im dropping to the 30s quite often on pull with my 5800X3D
Some people on discord from the raid had like 5 or even freezes and almost wiped us
Can confirm. I have been trying to get this solved on my end but there is just no way that this is on my PC. I have disabled a lot of addons (weakauras ultimate mouse cursor, NDUI etc.) but zero luck. Outside of raids I get a 150-200+ fps. Raids? 20-40. 50 if I am lucky, but not consistent at all.
Most settings on good, some on low. Everything on low for raids.
Second to last boss fight in the new raid is completely unplayable once the pizza slices start casting. Up to that point FPS isn’t fantastic either, but it is still holding at two digits.