Low legendary drop rate

It got changed, but it didn’t become non-viable. It wasn’t considered the best anymore, but I stayed in Rising Mist spec all the way through to the end and did just fine vs our other raid healers :slight_smile:

The particular legendary I want basically turns damage into heals. It synergises a bit with the Kyrian ability, which resets the trigger for turning damage into heals.

It may not be the numerically strongest; but it is the one I most want.

I will be pursuing the “better” one from Torghast this week, but I’ll not want to craft that one unless I’m falling behind in raid healing because it is boring ^^

I think there’s a slight discrepancy between drops and sources. The challenge should (imo) be the crafting, not the obtaining of memories.

I got 5 memories on my shammy, including the BiS for raid. Others have to wait for the last few bosses in raid to get their BiS. Imo the challenge is in the wrong place for some of the drops…

Legendaries SHOULD be a low drop rate. That’s what makes them Legendary. But they also should not drop from Normal/Heroic/Mythic dungeons either.

So much this.

Legendaries are expensive AF and require a gated Torghast grind. The recipes didn’t need to be RNG drops at all, they could be 100%, let everyone choose their favourite, and still we wouldn’t easily be able to flip between them with every minor change.


I’m actually enjoying the crafting part of legendaries, that’s most of the fun, despite being a pretty hard grind to get more than 1 item to rank 2 even :joy:

Well… problem is, they’re now a core mechanic. This isn’t like a Thunderfury; you’re expected to have one.

And if we’re expected and expecting to have one… it’s not fair to have some players get them easily and some spend many many hours grinding.

…Imagine trying to join a pug raid without a legendary in 3 weeks time…

And that is the problem with Legendaries.

They should just be called Special epics.

Why are you expected to have one during the 2nd week of a new expansion? The drop rate is low because they’re supposed to difficult to obtain.

Pug raids will happen without them, they are low drop rate items. not everyone is going to have them by 3 weeks in except a the elite few who thought it was fine to farm normal/heroic instances and then rage quit the instance because their 0.5% drop item didn’t drop for them.


Then we call them from now Special epics :slight_smile: What’s in a name. :man_shrugging:

Then call them like that. I don’t think we need to clinge to a design decision regarding legendaries of more than a decade ago. Legendaries have been “mandatory” instead of “super rare and exclusive” for more than 8 years now, starting with the MoP cloak. (One could also argue the Rogue daggers in Cata actually)

Legendaries now != Legendaries in classic / tbc and that’s not a bad thing, it’s just different.

Alot actually. The titles Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary & Artifact give a prestige to the items and describes the quality and rarity.

Now, Legendaries really have lost their rarity value. Artifacts were ruined when they were first implemented by giving them to players. I still think giving The Ashbringer to a player as permanent weapon was a criminal decision.

Needless to say, we’re getting off of topic here.

Legendaries are not supposed to be easy to obtain, whether they are core mechanics or not.

95% of the wow player base do not play for more than 3-4 hours a day if even that. These people will still be raiding in your groups, whether pugs or guild runs. They will not have time to be farming these instances, running Torghasts and completing all the bits required to max out their character. Because they have jobs, families and bills to pay.

Yet they will raid, and will complete content, and who knows, eventually they will probably even get a legendary item which is suitable for their chosen character and spec. Probably not best in slot, but good enough.

Tbf, people felt the same way when it became normal to be full epic geared in TBC. “Welfare epics” was a popular term for PvP gear :joy_cat:

Most vanilla players had 1-2 purples, if that. If you weren’t into raiding - and most weren’t - you’d live your endgame life in blues :slight_smile:

pointless discussion imo
most of them are very easily to get, if the loot is from dungeon just do your weekly mythic and maybe daily heroic, its mostly gonna drop b4 the season starts
plus, u can easily pick a non bis legendary and craft your bis 1 week into the season, not a big deal imo!
i see u r kinda an hardore raider, but if you are not running for WF just take it easy ^^

Because he has put a ton of effort into getting them and had some pretty bad groups aswell Legendaries havent been truely good since the staff in Naxx all the rest have been glorified epics nothing more .
No idea why you are on his case making him look the bad person when he isnt .

Then again its easy to act high and mighty on a low level alt .

Yeah about that its a pixel nothing more nothing to be high and mighty about .

6 days from now? I have a guildie who’s run 56 Plaguefalls without his drop - I can only imagine what he feels his chances are of having that when we start…

Which is my point. If the drop rate is this low, then the legendary is not reasonably targetable, which defeats the point of them as a core mechanic.

The recipes are already demanding enough to craft, they don’t need to be “oh, some people won’t get the one they want for months but others had it yesterday”. That just breeds jealousy and dissatisfaction and there’s no need for it.

Wherever it drops, it should drop 100%. You still have to choose just 1 to start your season with and it’ll be a way off before you’re deciding whether to upgrade or craft a different legendary.

Honestly, this is not how it is. It might be your opinion of how it should be, but that’s not relevant right now.

In the actual game, legendaries are a core part of Shadowlands. They’ve been in all the hype; every youtuber has done articles on how to have your first one ready for the start of the season. Nobody’s talking about expecting theirs by January, or February, or whenever it happens to drop.

Whether or not you like it, we are expected to have one if not before our first raid, then immediately after it. That is how Shadowlands has been sold to us.

You are welcome to be blasé about yours, if you like. You are welcome to not care. But you should understand that most players do care.

To be fair, I’ve put in less than many. But I can see the problem that’s arising and it’s pretty disheartening. I keep doing pugs with people who say they’re 20, 30, 40 runs in and nothing.

It’s causing players to see 1 dungeon for the first N weeks, and it’s a silly, silly way to go about it. This is just going to burn people out and make them give up when they realise 4 in 5 of their friends have all got theirs.


I feel your pain.
I have been running de other side dozens of times already and am getting burnt out on it as well.
I didn’t mind it the first few days, but several sources claiming a drop rate of sub 2% is really souring the entire process.

Considering I have multiple characters I’d want to get a dungeon-drop legendary for, really is disheartening and at this rate I genuinely consider not bothering with it at all.

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PVP gear wasn’t really a Wellfare epic because they were covered in Resilience which was a useless stat outside of PVP.

Wellfare epics were the catch up ones they put it for the tokens you got from heroic dungeons and other events. As a top tier raiding in TBC I remember them VERY well. In hindsight, not so much of a bad thing as it allowed guilds to recruit new players as older players left and not have to run all the old content to gear them up.

However I also very much remember the MUST have mechanic items such as Dragonspine Trophy, an Epic trinket that every Rogue must have! And also those Warglaives… oh the desire to have those Legendary Warglaives… but they took alot weekly of runs to get them and it really helped the raid heading into Sunwell Plateau.

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Just annoys me when somebody says to you “whahahahahaahah” to try insult you and degrade you when you look at there achivements and see nothing and yet they act like a top end high and mighty player who tries to demean you .

That belf thinks they are special when they are not .

At the moment all of these except legendary are only about the height of the ilvl of the piece of gear. For quite some years. It is especially not about rarity at all.

Huh, reading threads like these makes me feel bad about already having 6… or 7 legendary powers with my BiS one already crafted.

So here we go. For the 5 time in a row (since I started counting). I have enter an in Progress Instance, because somebody has left the group because their Legendary didn’t drop for them.

then later in the instance the legendary dropped for a DH. The DH who got it didn’t even know they existed… but the DH who was farming it became abusive, swore at the group and then ragequit. I’m sorry, it just shows the sort of personality of the players who are grinding it at this point.