Low legendary drop rate

I dont care about other threads. And my english is probably too bad to understand his name is a troll name. I have zero clue. What i do see, also in my guild and communities that there is a lot of experiences with people leaving dungeons after 1st boss. The current system with the low is bad for everyone. Next to that it is unfair that i just run 1 time torghast next week on the right wing an i have “for free” and “for no effort” my legendary.

I’m not being toxic at all. I have not at any point directly any of my comments towards the OP, I have joined a forum topic and stated my opinion on how legendaries should work and why it is not important to be farming these 100s of times a day. And you guys have gone on the attack, telling me I am wrong.

My game is being ruined by people who are going into instances and leaving because their item doesn’t drop. I am meeting alot of abusive and toxic players because of this. and I am quite frankly SICK of the behaviour of this tier of player who is okay with ruining other peoples enjoyment of the game because they have to have a specific item!.

Now if I am being toxic for voicing my opinion about how your gaming behaviours are ruining the game for 95% of the rest of the player base, then FINE I AM TOXIC.

But, I have a right to express my opinion without being attacked!

Now complete the instances and stop ruining the game for everyone else!

Your problem is mainly created by the low drop rate.

really, we are what? a week? into the expansion and you are complaining the legendaries you want have not dropped yet.

Noble as in:

having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.

being new to something and not having a clue

People are fed up of this awful legendary grind, I’m not surprised!

As it happens, mine drops from the last boss, so I can’t bail. I like to imagine I wouldn’t bail even if it was the first boss - but I wonder how I would feel about it 50 runs later.

One boss down, no penalty for leaving now, healer queues are short… maybe I would be tempted.

Blame the cause (bad system) rather than the symptom (angry players).

Progression starts next week. We need them. And a lot also have them since they come from 100% droprates. The people who need them from dungeons are screwed.

Low drop rate is not the cause, players that want BiS in all slots before an expansion is a month old ARE the problem.

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Needing 1 good legendary is something else than bis in all slots.

I assume you aren’t aware that legendaries are a core part of Shadowlands, or that much of the hype and guides features how to make sure yours is ready for the start of the season?

People were forcing their undergeared selves through Torghast L3 last week just to be sure they could craft their legendary on schedule, and now they’re being blocked by a lack of recipes.

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The system is fine outside of maybe moving all legendary drops to the last boss. Legendary items are supposed to be a low drop rate. The people who feel that low drop rate items are a necessary are the problem. You don’t need BiS legendaries at this point of the game. But the items will drop eventually.

I plan to get the legendary for my toons. I will probably farm for them a bit as well. But I’ll stick out the instance if it doesn’t drop for me. In the meantime, I’ll probably just use one of the legendaries that has dropped for me already.

Ok, you’ve read none of my posts then. Good to know :slight_smile:

I’ve explicitly said I don’t feel like this about any other item.

But this legendary is a core part of SL progress. I would like at least one that is for my main raiding spec. It is not an unreasonable request that if people repeatedly run through the dungeon that drops their legendary, it should actually drop for them.

We should not be facing the prospect of doing all we reasonably can, and yet we have to start the season without, meanwhile other players lucked onto theirs on day one.

That is not a good way to run a core game feature. Players need access to it. Don’t care if it’s BiS, but the game should be trying real hard to hand one to me.

but what you are failing to see is with the very low drop rate… these items might not be a core part of SL progress. Have you every thought that maybe a rare legendary item… might just be that.

Damn… I feel for you… Spires is my favorite dungeon. I need gear from each and every boss there… Still haven’t got any of the mail pieces for my shammy…
On the upside I got memory of doom winds on my second run on heroic :joy::rofl:
Hope it doesn’t get any further nerfs coz I have already crafted it and spent a fortune getting the head piece up to lvl 3 rank so I can keep upgrading it…

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Its ok bud, you can have one of my 7 and counting legendaries as I already have my BiS and probably won’t replace it until 9.1 provided the devs uphold their promises of no major tunings to covenants or oranges until then.

RnG is RnG, it sucks, but it’s what we got.

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While other classes just get their legendary with a 100% droprate. It is a core mechanic. I have no idea even why we have to farm those recipes like this. They should just all be available to everyone, and craft and upgrade them with time(gated).


I am aware. Players “forcing” themselves to do L3 a week after release to follow some guide is frankly sad. They are inevitably the players that end up complaining there is nothing to do 2 months after a game or expansion releases. There is plenty to do but none of it leads to their optimum gear list downloaded from some internet guide. BiS or trash players are just as bad for games as damage meter w–res.

There are so many assumptions in your post, i dont even know where to start except with :man_facepalming:


I mean… every youtuber talks about it. Everyone who played beta seems to think it’s expected that every player would have one.

And if not, that’s just terrible. Why do some players get the cool toys and others don’t? This is not good for player cohesion or morale.

Disagree. Many in my guild did this because they want to be the best they can be when the season starts. They want to do their best for our raid and dungeon teams and this is how they’re doing it.

2 months after launch, we’ll be all about M+ and raid progression; and sure, maybe there will be some downtime now that there’s less to push for. That’s great, I love downtime. I have other hobbies and responsibilities to be doing as well. I am happy to be allowed to log off and feel like I did enough today.

But right now? I can’t. I should always have done one more run of something, anything that might drop a recipe. Until RNGeesus smiles on me, I have not done my best for the raid team.

It is… stressful.

That right there is what is wrong. WoW is a game, if you are finding it stressful because others, be that guildies or youtubers say you have to have x piece of gear before y date then you are doing it wrong.