Low-level quests problem

I’ve been working towards the “Loremaster” achievement. I keep hitting walls whenever I find a low level quest that requires me to wound an enemy and then use an object on him.
So far I’ve encountered this problem in Uldum, Feralas, and now Southern Barrens.

While I know you can “go around it” by finding some level-appropriate player and having them wound the target, I can’t really go around with a levelling player all day just so he can wound stuff for me.

Is there any other way to avoid this issue? I’ve tried auto-attack, even fully undressed, but I still one shot the NPCs…

Strip naked then fly high, dismount and die, then take the rez sickness and try it. Other than that, you can take a lower level to that zones with such quests in once you’ve done all you can on your main. Flipping a couple of zones with random alts will still credit your entire account, just as long as that character does the whole zone in question.

Let me introduce to you, the foam sword.

It will solve most of your problems with trivial enemies :slight_smile:

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