Low pop communities like ally Mograine will die with the new free character transfers

But if Blizzard finally comes through, BLUE FOREVER <3


Feel like blizzard is lost. Spending time on statements about the ceo instead of fixing the servers. Give mograine free transfer or merge some servers ffs


I was wondering the same, when few players from higher end guilds explained.
Apparently, players on pvp servers tend to be more skilled players, so “better” raid guilds come to pvp servers for better recruit pool, not for wpvp, which is just annoyance.
Then there is big follower audience, who follow “better” guilds where ever they go and that is how pvp servers die.

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That is exactly what Im talking about.
Irony is Wpvp kills pvp servers.

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Make Mograine Blue again! Or permit us to leave


Step Blizzard we’re stuck.


Blizzard. Please listen to us your active players. We need some kind of change in the free transfer window to change. On Mograine our numbers on alliance are dropping every single day, and it will get to a point where it’s completely dead. Please reconsider the options, we are many players who desperately need this to change so we can keep playing with the community we love.

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Please consider faction imbalance as well blizzard, otherwise these free transfers aren’t worth the trouble.


Please add Mograine Alliance to the list of free transfers, the amount of people playing here is getting lower each day with the majority of people having already left for Firemaw. We’re down to a record low now and it’s impossible to recruit, use AH in any sensible way and play dungeon content.


Merged it all.
It’s been done before as far as I remember so why not again. The alliance players that still plays on all the low pop realms should get some benefits

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Speaking as a member of FSD, one of the few raiding guilds remaining on Mograine I am as well asking for Blizzard to solve this problem somehow

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Bumping this. Faction balance is what makes or breaks a PvP-server. We’re not asking for a 50/50 pop as it’s obvious that Horde racials are far superior to Alliance’s which is obviously a huge factor on a PvP-server. But anything worse than a 40/60 ratio just doesn’t seem healthy.
Apart from raiding there’s almost nothing going on for Alliance. The auction houses are in a dire state and there are more bots in dungeons than there are actual players going through them.


The auction house on our server is slowly crumbling , we won’t be able to get consumables for progression because the other faction is dominating the server so we can’t farm them either, This in it’s turn will lead to people leaving the guild and game cause we can’t clear content. Please allow transfers for all servers and factions without restrictions so we don’t have to lose our friends due to these limitations.


It feels like we are being forced into paying an additional tax to continue playing our characters in Classic TBC. Characters that we spent a great deal of time playing, and now faced with a decision of payng more money for something completely out of our control. These are the options that Mograine alliance now face, and none of them are satisfactory:

  1. Continue playing on Mograine, a PvP server heavily populated by the opposing faction making contested zones with raid instances very difficult to reach. An auction house with very little to nothing on it, making it difficult to prepare for raids or enchant/gem our characters equipment. Finally, but most important, it forces us to play in a small and diminshed community that has no incentive to log on and play the game outside of weekly raids. If you wanted to find a group for a dungeon, it is very challenging or near impossible.

  2. Pay money to transfer to a server that has a flourishing community. The idea of having to pay a substantial amount to transfer a single character due to reasons out of our control seems extremely unfair and dissapointing. Currently the only server that has this is Firemaw, but this is a very busy server and the belief is that soon this will be full and unable to take on more players. This further puts pressure on Alliance players to make a decision to either quit or pay money to transfer, either one being a loss in one way or another.

  3. Quit TBC Classic and future expansions due to a lack of community. The most important aspect of playing Classic WoW.

We need to be able to transfer for free, or the communities need to be merged together. This would answer the communities problems and create a long term solution for other servers in a simular situation. It feels like Blizzard as a company just want that short term profit of forcing players to pay the fee, but the majority of those left on Mograine alliance do not want to pay this and will not be coerced into doing so.


In the last 3 weeks, the Alliance population of Mograine was reduced by 50% because of people quitting and people transfering. The game has become unplayable for everyone on Alliance side. Min to zero auctions, no pugs, no 5man groups. All these will soon lead to the death of a once glorious, full server. Blizzard, let the Alliance Mograine players transfer to the server of their choice for free! People with 27 straight monthly subs (because of Classic WoW) deserve better!


World of Warcraft has always had that thing where it always got you to play more. Just one more daily, just one more dungeon, just one more world quest, remember to do your [Insert Currency System Here].
Right now, on Mograine Alliance, that urge to play more comes once a week. Enter raid, kill bosses, get loot, exit raid, log off for the next 6 days. World chat is dead, LFG chat is dead, trade chat is dead. Auction house has few items available, thus driving up the prices.

We all see the solution here, if only the ones that could do something about it could see it too.


Bump, something needs to be done or guilds on Mograine will dissolve and communities die


Bump, save Mograine or allow us to leave \o/


Allow Free transfer for all on Mograine! Ally side is dying more everyday!


Please consider our input in this thread blizzard. The auctionhouse is low on stock and high in price. When farming herbs all i see is tauren druids swooping in.

There must be some clever way to make things better.