Low pop communities like ally Mograine will die with the new free character transfers

Mograine, which in classic was a relatively 50:50 ally horde server was hit by the faction imbalance that TBC failed to solve. When TBC came out it was 40:60 and seemed to be relatively stable. Now it has just fallen under 20%. Since Mograine is still mostly horde, we do not count as a low population realm for character transfer.

No alliance player will transfer to Mograine, and not all alliance players can afford to leave, and some dont want to because this will mean the death of their guild, many of which have been guilds since day 1 classic. The new free character transfers will mean that low pop horde will move to mograine, but no alliance member in their right mind will go from a dead server to a dead ally server. There needs to be someway Blizzard can address this, either by merging servers or allowing specific factions to free transfer. Otherwise communities that have been running for years will die in the next few months.


Maybe you should post in the other thread about this?

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Sadly Blizz is doing nothing to handle those imbalances.
They could for example allow low populated servers that have majority of Alliance players to migrate to servers that struggle with population balance but still have some Alliance players left like Mograine for example. This way they could save some servers.
Instead they allowed them to have a free migration to Firemaw, so it’s quite clear what they will choose now.


I think its good to comment there and make a new thread for this. Im sure we are not the only server having this problem. Just a quick glance at Ironforge Pro, any server that isnt Firemaw or Earthshaker screws alliance over hard, you are either low pop or severely outnumbered. I dont know what its like on places likre Gehennas, but 4000 should be enough to keep a healthy faction community. Still there are many servers in desperate need of help like ours, yet Blizzard is attempting to save servers, some of which have less than 500 active raiders on, and ignoring vasts amounts of their playerbase.


Agreed. Blizzard, its in your long term interest to try and use this transfer window to address some of the faction imbalance and possibly gain a little good will back from the playerbase.


Do you really think Alliance players would leave their majority server and come to server where they would be minority?
Would you do it?
Through all these last few months, all we seen is that players want to play as majority faction on pvp server, meaning they dont want balance at all.
Sure, there are people who want balance, those are true pvp server players, but there are rare.

It wouldnt matter if populations were high enough, as at least there would be stuff to do like dungeons. As a mograine player, I actually enjoy the fighting over summoning stones etc and wouldnt care if my server was 30:70 if i felt like my faction actually had players as well. But the AH is dying and because people are quitting over the TBC honeymoon phase being over and also transferring to healthy servers, its creating problems for realms like ours.

Well, thats you and it is great you feel that way.
Trouble is a LOT of your faction players dont think the same and left your faction in a state it is now.

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I dont blame the people who left, as I said its about server population. There was no way TBC was going to be as big as Classic was on release, and because of Blizzards failed attempt to solve faction imbalance in TBC, server populations got screwed, so when it was 30:70 on mograine, it already felt like it was dying because they never bothered to do anything about the servers going into TBC. SO people who left after that did it because from our perspective it was already doomed in comparison to if it had been 30:70 in classic. You cannot run a server properly in an expansion like TBC with less than 2000 active players. They should have known this was going to happen, and now that it is happening, they should do something to fix it.


What could they do and keep everyone happy?

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Merge servers into larger servers. Stop free transfers from low pop to High pop, and only allow them to go to medium pop (this wont solve too much but can help). Allow specific faction minority servers to transfer, then when everyone abandons ship they can easily pair servers up into 50:50 servers. Why even play a 2 faction mmo on a pvp server with 100% either way. I see you post this in multiple threads and dont get where you hear that, people just want more of their own faction numbers so the game doesnt feel as dead, not a majority for their own faction.


Merging low population Alliance servers would be best option in the current situation. Many guilds have already disbanded/moved to different servers due to lack of people to recruit.


Blizzard, the alliance population of Mograine is dwindling. I speak as GM of Who Dares Wins, one of the few remaining raiding guilds on Mograine alliance. A few weeks ago, we started a movement on Mograine to try and bring together the remaining Alliance guilds on the server. While this helped stem the tide for a while, it has become impossible to recruit new players, and as guilds collapse/transfer, many of the players left behind understandably chose to quit rather than seek out a new guild.

With the latest free transfer development, the likely outcome for Mograine is perhaps a modest boost for the Horde population, but nobody would transfer to Alliance Mograine at this point. Out of those remaining, many of us simply won’t, or cannot afford, to pay for a transfer to a new realm. Our alliance population is smaller than many of the low-pop servers you have given free transfers. Therefore, I feel we should be considered for this free transfer option. Yes, this would only exacerbate the faction imbalance on Mograine, but within a couple of months a 95+% horde ratio is likely inevitable regardless. That ship has sailed.

While it’s clear that the alliance Mograine community will never be the same again, we are asking that you give a chance to the remaining Alliance guilds. Speaking for my guild, we are all greatly looking forward to playing together for the rest of TBC, but I suspect this will only be possible if we are given free transfers. The only other option would be to merge servers to increase the Alliance population.

This also makes sense for you in terms of money. Yes, you of course make short term profit from paid server transfers. But I would argue that the 30 subs of the active guild for the rest of TBC and beyond are easily worth more than the 5-10 of those who would be willing to transfer following the disbanding of their guilds.

Please, look after the Alliance population on Mograine before it’s too late!


I am closely watching this drama when it started during this summer, also US forums.
All posts have one thing in common and that is players suddenly started to pay transfers to larger servers where their faction is dominant. Timeframe it happened is just before or at start of phase 2 with SSC/TK, where many were talking about blocking SSC summonstone and entrance as their main reason to leave their server.
If I am wrong about this, why didnt same thing happen on PvE servers? They have very stable population since Classic

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Just bumping this thread because it’s a very big problem that has been going on for too long. Do something now and allow faction players that are a big minority on the server a free transfer. In our case: from Mograine ALLIANCE. But if you would take a quick look at faction ratio’s on your servers I’m sure that you can easily see which other servers should get the same treatment. Thanks for reading.

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Playing on Mograine and I wouldn’t want to leave, but it’s starting to get uplayable. AH is dead, and the few raiding guilds that are left are down to raidlogging. I just want to see my faction again. It’s so lonely.

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Bump for healthy faction realm transfers


Thats interesting considering they all just go to Firemaw a 50:50 server. Also the PVP imbalance then made worse by just sayin hey its even now, horde can just play horde in BGs made many ally players interested in pvp just quit. This had a larger effect on PVP servers where horde dominated PVP player bases exist than in PVE where most are alliance PVE heavy. Also dont forget as soon as you have a small population on a PVP server, farming gets harder if you get killed by the 10 enemy faction players farming it.

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Don’t keep players hostage. Bump for healthy faction realm transfers.


Blizzard you can’t expect to milk our wallets even more. We deserve a free realm transfer whenever we’re on a server in a very bad state. MOGRAINE BLUE FOREVER