Low titan residuum from weekly chest

Hi there. I noticed that I only got 70 titan residuum from my weekly chest on my alt. That was after completing a +6 key. I know wowhead is a fan driven resource, but according to their 8.3 patch info a +6 should reward 580 Which seems fitting as a +10 gives about 1700.
Could someone look into this?

Here is wowheads link:

Titan residum for some reason give an insane amount if you do 10 and above and nothing if you do 1-9

Yes yes i know, 4th affixes, but i dont think people should get 1900 for 1 affixes while you get 100-200 for a +9

So, are we thinking it’s correct that you only get 70 titan residuum? Or could it be a bug?

A +6 Mythic completion would give you 75 Titan Residuum from the weekly chest (Which is the amount you received). This number was correct. It looks like the information on wowhead is inaccurate for below +10. There is a substantial increase once you get to +10. This is consistent with previous seasons.