Lower maximum ilvl gear to mythic +9 or even +8

Hi Blizzard,

You have created a toxic mythic plus community with the raiderio. This season / expansion is worse compared to before.

I have 2400 rating and it takes sometimes an hour or even longer to get in a +10 group. Just because the high geared people keep spamming +10’s.

Only way to counter this is by lowering the key level of obtaining max ilvl gear. Hopefully the geared people stop being so picky on choosing players for a +8 instead of a +10.

And force the good players to actually start pushing their own score.

Unfortunately that will always be an issue with the way the current system is designed. If they lower the threshold for Myth track gear in the vault to +8, then +8 will be the new bottleneck. Pugging can be a drag. The only way to really get through it is to start making your own groups and pushing your own keys, or finding friends or a guild or community to run with.


There are many ways to counter it…

No seriously, lets force players to do activities they don’t want to do - thats a winning formula.

Another day, another raft of stupid ideas from people that think the world revolves around them.


Unfortunately, no, it just means they´ll be spamming 8s instead for the vault, and as a result even fewer players will get to engage with the content… If you wanted to take it to the extreme, you could offer M-vault for M0, and then nobody that isn’t 630+ will be accepted into even a +2. :wink:

Which is part of why IMO Myth track gear itself needs to simply be removed, period.

As it stands it serves no purpose but to further help breed toxic elitism, assist in keeping people that actually want to run the content out of it “because number lower”, and simultaneously coerce people into content they more often than not neither enjoy nor are qualified for.

Which in turn helps drive Boosting and with it RMT (regardless of whether via the token or illicit) by helping to perpetuate the mindset that even max upgraded heroic track gear is somehow “bad”, leading players that have no business or desire of being in Higher content paying to clear it, just so they can have good enough gear to be accepted to participate in the content they do want to play. It’s the whole “need AotC to sign up for NHC raid” discussion, just another tier above it.

Mythic raider or high key pusher? Cosmetic rewards and bragging rights only. :beers:

However, for me personally, I couldn´t care less if they change it or not, because I removed myself from that hamster wheel years ago and still have no issues achieving my ingame goals because I don´t have to play in pugs to begin with. None of this really matters in organized groups and communities :beers:

I disagree.

RIO was not created by Blizzard, but it became so used and well-known, that Blizz created the same thing, but different numbers officially. RIO then adapted to Blizz’s own metric and as far as I am aware they cooperate a lot.
Also, impossible to not have any such numerical value to sort people for own raid/key etc. People will always find a new metric, so it is essentially lost fight to go against RIO.

If you lower myth vault to lower key, we will all just spam the new lowest eligible key. So you will be left out from that content as well.

Also, 2400 is way too low for pug 10s IMO. Plus rogues are not really favourite pick this season when you can have frost DK or retri pala.

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