Low/inconsistent dps?


I don’t get SP at all, my dps is so inconsistent all the time, just did a +7 HOI and did 240k overall with a good group, and the next I do 450k overall.

I consider my SP my main (517 ilvl) with most of the stats as they should be according to guides, I use my PI on bigger pulls and bosses along with whatever trinkets/pots etc.

It feels like I’m doing something very wrong, but what could that be? Is there a good rotation guide or something I can follow?

I need another 300 rating for 2500 and then I’m fine for this expansion, but I don’t enjoy it being this inconsistent.

Not to talk about Shadow Crash >:(


The biggest factor in low/medium level m+ keys is most likely how the tank is pulling, and how much dmg the rest of the group is doing + their dmg profile. If you play with fully geared dps who have frontloaded dmg, you wont be able to do much as sp in low keys. Your dmg takes some time to get going, so when the packs die fast it will greatly affect your numbers.

If your tank does awkward pulls that make it very inconvenient to shadow crash that will ofc also matter a lot.

…and finally the dungeon x factor! Some dungeons allow for much higher dmg than other dungeons, such as algethar academy.

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You need to be aggressive with your positioning and how you start pulls. You want to be casting the extra VTs before crash (If the pull is larger than 8) before the tank has realistically gathered everything proper (Fade if you have to).

When you’re in combat in a pull, use your instant casts and movement gcds to get ahead of the pull, and always be moving forward towards / past the tank. This mean when the pull is over the tank has to run past you into the next one.

A major mistake people make on SP is they think their range is always an advantagae, they position 40 yards from the pull to be safe, and then the pull ends, and the tank jets off, and now they’re 50-60 yards from the next pull when it starts.


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