Hello there!
My name is Candycorn, and I’m the (original) guild leader of Loxorom
. We’re a midcore guild that aims to push content whilst keeping the vibes fun! We are a several years in the making, tight-knit community of raiders and mythic+ players. After a very successful raiding experience throughout Dragonflight, we are looking to bolster our numbers and continue pushing content in The War Within! In order to achieve this, we’re looking for like-minded players to join us in this progression and other things outside of it. We are a Heroic raiding guild, always aiming to get a minimum of Ahead of the Curve in each season. More than anything, we want to continue to thrive as a fun, active, friendly community and always recruiting for this (even if you just want to be a social!). If you’re someone who has never raided before, or has raided in other games but never in WoW, we would be happy to welcome you in! We all start somewhere, amirite?
What can we offer you?
An active, fun community who just want to have fun playing a game we love.
Regular mythic+ guild groups, for both casual and higher end players.
Outside of WoW content on occasion!
Help with your class/spec if you need it, we have plenty of knowledgeable folk here.
What are we after?
We want everyone to do their part - this basically means we just want you to keep your character up-to-date. (Don’t be the person that holds back the raid because you didn’t bother looking up what to do, or by being 10/20/30 item levels behind everyone else because you didn’t bother logging in for 2-3 weeks.)
There are expectations set out for our players ahead of season releases, and those continue throughout seasons/progression raiding periods. This consists of completing a certain amount of content to keep your character relevant, and so that we have a fair commitment experience raid-wide.
People who want to enjoy the game rather than turn it into an intense experience. Yes, we take progression somewhat seriously, and as with any progress there are times of frustration and annoyance, but we are all here to play the game collectively and enjoy it.
Raid days/times: Monday & Wednesday @ 20:00 - 23:00 server time
So… if what I’ve said speaks to you and how you like to/want to play the game, please do feel free to add me on battle.net or Discord so we can potentially have a chat, and see if our interests align!
Candycorn on Battle.net: Candycorn#2408 or Discord: .candycorn
Thank you for reading, and hopefully speak to you soon!