LUA - How to check for specific word in chat and add it as a trigger to WA / TMW

Been looking around for hours without luck.

So what I want is a button that is triggered by a specific word (X) in chat, and then turned off when Y or Z is written.

In WeakAuras there’s a similiar option to this, but you can only add one trigger to when to remove the button, it lights up when X is shown and is closed when Y is shown but it’s impossible to make it so it also closes when Z is shown…

in TMW (addon) I managed to create a button that lights up when I’m in specific zones and turned off otherwise with this LUAcode “GetZoneText() ~= “Stranglethorne Vale””. This makes the button light up when im in STV.

This was very easy to do, and I tried to find a different way to check the chat for specific words (like “GetChatText()==test” ) but I haven’t found anything…

Thx for reading!

You’ll likely need to use one or more of these

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