Lucid nightmare


is this mount still possbile to obtain?

and is there cute things for gift for my girl ?
inside game like cute mounts or pets or toys
i can get them in max 3 days while she travelling

also not shop mount/pet

Lucid nightmare is still obtainable, tho its not exactly easiest esp last part is tricky and u can spend few hours/days there.

Cute mounts outside of shop… There are new llamas afaik, they are kind of cute as they hop hop, but it quite subjective so cant realy advice any further… I find ratstallion cute tho.

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yeah as far as i know its still obtainable.

cute mount toys…uhrg…thats really subjective.

mythic nzoth mount only cost 250euros now if u bargain well

do you mean the alpaca mounts? good idea but i doubt you can get one within 3 days. or is it possible?

if u camp voldun you can 100% get it in 1 day.

also the red seapony is farmable in 1 day if u find murloc0

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Alpaca llama, they are same to me.

Not realy sure how fast u can get one, but i remember when 8.3 hit there were huge groups of people hunting them feeding and what not, so maybe there is some kind of “cheese strat”. But as i said, not sure, i never went for them, but might look at it as tauren hopin on alpaca with fabulous title is gona be lit.

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oh, you re right. i thought you had to feed all those alpacas serveral times.

…now i know what i have to do the next couple of days. sigh

voldun feed once with greens
uldum feed 6 times with gershshrhal shrubrbu
voldun dinosaur world boss 1-2% per char per month(?whenever the world boss is up in voldun?)

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Have a read through that.

thanks! :blush:


just gave it a try to see if it was somewhere and i found it right now after like two minutes. :partying_face:


I obtained it in 3 hours or something 3 weeks ago I guess.

Last part was cool, you will have alot of fun.

the last part of the chain is a nightmare. be prepared for it. It took me about 3 hours

hope you made a group :stuck_out_tongue:

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yeah and shouted out the coords in chat. :slight_smile:

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